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Youtube didn't like some of Squidward's un-aliving comments so we're posting the full version here, yippee! What a joy of a game. 




My main issue with this wild game is the fact that no attempt to sound like the fish news reporter was made. 😂 his voice is iconic and so fun to imitate

Tyler George

Thank you guys! Love goofy ass games like these 😂


If you find the AI voices interesting, there's an app that takes recording of any voice, and modify it into anything you say. My favorite ones are the presidents of the US playing videogames together, and the scripts are used by their actual voices through the AI app. "Presidents playing videogames" on YouTube. You won't be disappointed. Keep up the good content 😊


This really sponges my Bobs


First AI art, now AI voice acting. Tons of damage happening to people just trying to work.


i can't believe dan mentioned clancy browns role in shawshank but not his role as hank from detroit become human


Funny to me that Arin AND Markiplier reached for the plug to the saw machine - an obvious and clearly telegraphed solution that simply was not accounted for by the gamemaekers.

Cierra Howard

Omg I was thinking the same thing! I kept thinking "I'm gonna fuck you Hank!"


stuffed cheeked, sweet cheeks. patrice. what will he think of next?

Ashley Stringer

This was freaking hilarious! I loved this game!


"Squids don't have dicks" Then tf do you throw at a mate to make babies?


Did some research. Squids do have big ole dicks. https://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/fishkeeping-news/squid-has-record-breaking-penis/

Smoofdoof (Courtney)

Why don't you upload an unlisted video on youtube and post the link here? Would be so much more convenient. This loads like ass.


Arin- please play Bust a Groove on the ps1!

Tyrant King

I do agree with Dan about the first Final Fantasy though! Such fun, such memories.


"If you just google any misspelling of spongebob you will always get spongebob as the result" well spiddlebap squoozleman gave me a list of local shawarma places and now I feel lied to