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square egg square egg square egg square egg square egg square egg square egg

Congrats to Joseph Thomas for getting the closest in the $10 tier guessing challenge and to Leia Vakarian for being the first person to get Arin's egg total correct with 12.


Dr. Pavel

I didn't know Arin could lay eggs, good for him.

Jdot Creeper

OK I have to say when arin was talking about the colour of eggs (I hate to be a stickler) it's the breed of the chicken that make that colour, like amerucana chickens or "Easter eggers" Also the amount of egg farts arin is gonna have after this 😵


square egg square egg square egg square egg (squegg)


I love that Arin keeps making MtG references even though he knows 95% of people watching won't understand or care, including Dan most of the time. Keep living your best life, Big Cat.


Dan is totally right. I prefer mini reeses cups because there more chocolate in the chocolate to peanut butter rario.

Heather Sandstrom

Dan had so many good one-liners in this episode. Arin: "It's BPA free" Dan: "BPA? Bublic Pissplays of Affection?" Arin: "I don't like the homogeneity of it." Dan: "That's very close-minded of you."


YES, Dan!!! The Reese's eggs taste so much better!!! AHH, so validating to hear that from someone else hahahaha


feeding arin eggs has consequences

Leo Fitzwilliam

RIP Dan’s joke that got yeeted out of relevance by that outrageous series of egg farts

Hope Gilbert

at 19:50 I actually thought they were asked who's their least and most favourite interns and I legit thought we were going to get some piping hot TEA from danny and arin. I was like 👀‼️


In the next Power Hour, I predict Arin will fart at least 4 times




Egg shell color depends on the breed. And free ranged chickens that have a better diet than just chicken feed will have more orange yolks. We have about a dozen different breeds and get white, blue, green, redish-brown, and other different shades of brown (dark to light and some speckled). Lame egg fact of the day!


pmaid cafe episode, maid cafe episode! ^o^ (pretty please ;o;)


bogeyman actually made me gag a little 🤢 also did i just get influenced by a power hour to buy an egg cooker? maaaaaybe...


Should we be concerned about Arin's hand tremors?

Ashley Stringer

I swear Dan was on his game this episode!🤣

Amber R

I wouldn't say I have a weak stomach, but congrats to Arin for almost making me vom when he was spitting out the quail eggs 😂


that fart was legendarily nasty

Bri W

Dan you're So Right about the Reese's


100% correct about Reeses. I love all the extra content I could watch hours of those two just being random and messing around with stuff! :D

Crescent Minor

*Yurp* Dan is 1000% percent about the relative grossness of the owl feces (exclusive section). I did not typo.


Dan, thank you for having the courage to say what we've all been thinking about Reese's eggs