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This week, our featured pieces are How Did They Get Together and My Immortal (Chapters 5&6). I just want to live!

Submit fan fiction for us to read! Just click this link ► https://forms.gle/b3ig5PEdagX9AxPdA



Do I immediately run when I see they're reading more My Immortal? Yes. Yes I do.


Oh, yeah. It’s happening.

Ashton Smith

This is absolutely everything to me, I'm so excited


A "visit" from Arin and Dan always makr my day oh so lovely


Hell yeah. LFG guys


This series made me want to read the entirety of My Immortal and I've never been so thankful for something in my life.

Tyler George

I love that they didn’t realize Pete was a cat and they just assumed there was a pet in the room that spoke up every now and again 😂

Micaela Leon

Love the stock footage of cats and dogs. Oddly weird tone over the fanfiction


If they do not finish My Immortal, I will be so gosh done diddly sad


Ah, the plots thinnen!


I've never read My Immortal before, and I'm determined to only experience it through the lads reading it to me. Please send more videos, my crops are dying and I need more regular sustainment.

han moody

wait where are we supposed to submit fic? 🤔🤔🤔 super unclear instructions://

✨ hannah ✨

I need one of these videos every week to keep me happy, healthy and sustained. 🥲


Arin will you kiss me

Chris Busby

“Billy, what’s your favorite episode of Fan Fiction Story Time?” “The one where they talked about the link to submit fan fiction recommendations for A LOOONG TIME”.

Keith Dieter

Missed opportunity: Harry should've called himself "Vampotter."

Margarita Martinez

My daughter went down for a nap at the perfect time. I needed this today XD been waiting for them to get to 'Vampire'


Hyuk hyuk they were ready to fuck

Charlotte Parker

It's not Goth!! It's Vamp and Vamp is lame!! Refer to the South Park episodes! Goth is cigarettes and black coffee.

Merry Merrymead

Was super-distracted by the bit of crap in Dan's hair, but fab episode once again. Love these!


So, remind me. What does it mean to be "flaming" in the context of the author's notes?


Love thinking about the impact of Dracula and vampire lore on our society, including that it led, in one way or another, to that breakfast order in all its glory


Critic of the first story, though they have a deep knowledge of Goofy lore they had a gap of knowledge by not remembering that Slyvia actually married goofy at the end of the 2000 masterpiece An Extremely goofy Movie, really took me out of the story as a whole. 10/10 very hot would goon again


Are you someone's dad? Because if yes then he DEFINITELY will

tin tanner

Stock video search terms: "Dog"; "Two Dogs"; "Cat & Dog"; "Romantic couple in forest"


Ah, right, forgot about that(clearly). Thank you ^^


Omg, that's so cool! My friend and I read this story five years ago on my old YouTube channel. I can't express how happy this made us lol.

Thomas Rose

I love the idea of goofy gradually getting infuriated trying to figure out how the daughter offed herself and getting nothing but cryptic answers

Olof Rönn

The author’s note pointing out that Dumbledore screamed because he had a headache (which will never matter again) is such a gift to the world.


Arin took "Show Feet" seriously.

Jon G

These are amazing. Also, am I the only one having trouble with the patreon video player on mobile? It just keeps freezing and I need to restart the app.

Steph Packard

i'd try watching it in-browser instead on your phone, i haven't had issues watching it that way on mobile

Samuel Jones

What happened to the black flying Mercedes with 666 on the back??? Was it towed to the Hogwarts impound lot??? Dracos dad will be so pissed!!!!

Enrique Flores

Tristana from league of legends jumpscare

Make-out Funeral

I’m making banana bread while watching this! edit: i don’t want to eat this banana bread anymore. It has been tainted and I wish for gods sweet salvation in the second coming of christ.


I love that Arin and Dan have brought back “Let’s fucking go!” to be an unironic phrase.

Rennon the Shaved

I love how the Count Chocula line got the biggest laugh from Arin.


Another great way to intake it is dramatic readings with friends; I keep a copy on my phone at all times for just such occasions!


I was not ready for Count Chocula with blood for milk. Best part of any story ever


The subtitles during My Immortal just included almost the entire screen’s worth of “Ha ha’s” as Arin starts losing it when it says she spray painted her hair purple and when she is eating her cereal 🤣

Alyssa W

My Immortal is the cult classic of all time


God damnit! How could you stop half way! I NEED to know if Goofy and Pete make passionate love! Also thank you for My immortal. Please read more.


Wait but where do I submit my fanfic? In the comments?

Kailey Bosyk

The author of my immortal could've called him Vampotter. Missed opportunity smh 😔




I like the idea that his scar is gone as if he's been drawing it on


Hi guys. Long time listener, first time commenter. Just a quick question, at the end of the video you were elucidating as to where one might be able to submit fan fiction for your consideration. I understand it is to be done in the comments. As this is so, you WILL read Half Life 2: Full Life Consequences. Yours emphatically, Patrick

Nick C

After watching internet historian read through my immortal I can practically recite the whole story along with Dan and i am cracking up waiting for him to get to certain lines

Tyler (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 06:23:21 The editing for this series really brings out Arin and Dans being playfully with each other but not to the extent of touchling each other. 10/10
2024-03-27 20:52:03 The editing for this series really brings out Arin and Dans being playfully with each other but not to the extent of touchling each other. 10/10

The editing for this series really brings out Arin and Dans being playfully with each other but not to the extent of touchling each other. 10/10

Turner Strait

Oh you bet your ASS I'm submitting something!

Othnielia Purcell

I literally only subbed for my immortal and it was so worth it


Someone sells physically bound copies of My Immortal on EBay. Y’all should get it to show it off in the office.

The End of Time (AKA Theo the Minotaur)

If someone were to write a fanfic, can they just copy-paste it into submission form entry section or does it need to be in the form of a link like the form says?

Aurora lane

I'm also asking this for a friend. Although a temp solution should be to send the link in the form of a google drive viewing only invite. Just some advice for you know, your friend.


I don't have a sample but my heart says a well rated Optimus Prime x Megatron would hit 😂

Thomas Garcia

Pistol ... The child toddler killed herself?


Please continue the wildly irreverent Goofy/Pete one, I gotta know if Pete beats his depression before beating Goofy's meat

Paige Strong

The Homer voice for Pete took me out

Alexandra Calvin

Arin's Dan Castellaneta impression is on POINT

Hunter hall

I'm not a bully but I think I wouldve been if I met the person who wrote my immortal


If I'm not hearing Arin read goofy x Pete smut next episode. I'm going on strike.

Rachel Allwin

it's giving #nobetareaders #wedielikemen

Em Cowen

I’m tempted to suggest my own my little pony fanfiction I wrote in middle school LMFAO


I hope they read all of my immortal it sparks joy


Count chocula is a pretty funny brand of cereal for a *vampire* to decide to eat

Tark the Fark

Im a little disappointed the comments aren’t just full of fanfic suggestions. Such as ‘All fair in War and Love’. You guys should read that… sorry, I wasn’t sure where else to suggest fanfics for you to read.


"It's not the depression that kills you, it's the sudden stop at the end." I mean...it's not entirely wrong.

Agent Tex

Ah, it was rated K for Kill yourself

Doktor Vem

I wonder what J.K. Rowling would think about this "My Immortal" fanfiction...

Jacob Tucker

Ah yes, Count Chocoula. The perfect breakfast that a vampire can totally eat.

Greg Shields

1) Will it be doggy style, or is there even a kitty style? Something, barbed penis, something something. 2) My Immortal...I feel like there should always be an Afterward Author's Note just to bring us down easy.

Ari Wolf

I love how Arin gave Pete the same voice he does for Gumshoe

Max Pierce

My name being Max is a curse sometimes.

Ray Ostempowski

its crazy that My Immortal continues to make an impact on my life 10 years after I first read it.


Emeny’s version certainly had a ring of authenticity to it as I do recall the first draft and not much was altered. She is a smart one. I love that for her. ♥️


you know ive never considered the similarities between dan and arin and goofy and pete but now that i have my like will never be the same lmao