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Shout out to Samantha Ofurie for getting the closest, fastest in the $10 tier's early bird guessing game!



I love how they were so respectful and calm around them

Alex Speakman

Wake up babe, new comfort episode dropped

Alyssa Wong

The fact that Arin's wearing the exact same shirt he did with the spider prank box fulfills a character arc I didn't know existed


I love that they were being so polite and trying not to curse as much but dan couldnt seem to hold back during the spider section lol


Dan, of course you're the prettiest princess in the land. With or without the cool spider 🫶

Hyve Wren

i always learned the coral snake rhyme as "red and yellow, kill a fellow, red on black venom lack"


need critter christina to talk me thru my whole day this chipper and calm tbqh. what a lovely person