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(Reposting to try and make the picture actually show up this time???) 

As predicted, Friday was devoted entirely to shipping. Hooooo dang, so much shipping. Good lordy bagordy. 

Matt is picking up coloring duties for this strip and next week's, since 1) I was so far behind on this week's comic and 2) I'm leaving this Friday to go to an East Coast wedding, so I need to finish that strip by this Thursday. 

Even though it means I'm crunched for time, I always like it when Matt and I are double-teaming the art on a comic. Saturday and Sunday we were set up in our home studio and as soon as I'd finish inking a page, I'd zap the file over to him just three feet away and then he'd start coloring it. I like it when we get to be a Comics Making Team. 

Since I wouldn't be getting any time off this weekend anyway, I started laying out the next comic on Sunday so today, Monday, I could hit the ground running on it and get it penciled. Not only did that work out perfectly, but I also got the first page inked! Ba-BAM. It's another five-pager, since I seem incapable of doing anything shorter lately :-/ 

We're also looking into the possibility of maybe possibly having Matt work on OJST stuff full time. If I were earning just a bit more money, it'd be an easier decision, but right now he's got a couple job interviews elsewhere so it'd make more financial sense to have him continue working for someone else and then working on OJST as a second part-time job. But... but. Maybe we could take that plunge. Maybe we could make this work. 






Fingers crossed! Anything we can do to help towards taking the plunge?

OhJoySexToy (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-22 23:08:20 Aw, thank you, that's super kind and I'm touched you'd ask <:) Honestly, this Patreon is a HUGE financial help, so you're doing plenty as it is, and I'm very grateful!
2014-09-10 04:30:39 Aw, thank you, that's super kind and I'm touched you'd ask <:) Honestly, this Patreon is a HUGE financial help, so you're doing plenty as it is, and I'm very grateful!

Aw, thank you, that's super kind and I'm touched you'd ask <:) Honestly, this Patreon is a HUGE financial help, so you're doing plenty as it is, and I'm very grateful!


Speaking of which -- I saw this one on the Nib, and it didn't appear on your list of creations. Oversight? Patreon bug?