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Do you see color when you cum? Do you hear music when you bust a nut? Do you taste flavors when you finish? You just might have sexual Synesthesia! Fortunately, we've got Rachel Semenov here to explain this sensational experience. 



Erika is three more sign-ups away from commencing her biggest collaborative project ever.



The Ferret

Ooh I *thought* this art and name looked familiar and that's why! This was such a great comic on such a fascinating topic to boot! Thank you Rachel and thanks Matt for getting them on board n_n


Brain chemistry is wild, and so easily effected in the smallest of ways. I thought Rachel's story did a great balancing act of it all, was really well done. -Matt


Awww thank's Ferret! Sometimes comics are a whole lot of work and other times they're like this: I barely touched this one other than to encourage Rachel and tell her how rad it all was/is =D I love getting to work with her. -Matt

M Aidan

Lovely! And a good description of the experience - *tHe CoLoUrS!!* Also cool to see the mention of synesthesia being suppressed by depression, that happened to me and i was so out of it, i didnt even realize until it started coming back!