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Erika and Matt recruit the staff of revolutionary sex shop Early to Bed to share their favorite toys of the year!


In Erika news: I will sew your contribution into my largest tapestry project ever when 16 more people sign-up to take part in this fiber art collaboration.



The Ferret

Ooh this was a blast! So many good toys and so many good reviewers! Poor Erika being so worn out contrasted with Matt's enthusiasm gave me the giggles (Sorry Erika!) So glad you guys have been doing this for so long and hopefully figured out a healthier balance for everyone involved. I love this comic so much, ever since it first started I rarely miss an update (Even if it takes me a while to get to them, dang ADD ^^;) and I'm so glad to see folks keeping it going strong, myself included n_n!


Right? A blast from the past - even though Erika was writing from her exhausted-heart for that opener, I still had a ball getting to dive back in and feel... goofy while working on it. Collaborating with Erika has been my highlight of all these years of OJST, so even getting to dip my toe was a real heart-filler for me. You wouldn't believe the amount of work that had to go into getting all of E2B into the comic and getting there quotes edited down to fit =D So many <3' -Matt

Jay Moretz

I love in the 5th panel how you made yourself look so tired... so very, very tired... 😀


Ha, I was worried we went too hard on it! Originally it was gonna set up a joke or two, but we couldn't make 'em land! Still it's certainly a face, reflective of 2022! -Matt