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SOS it's a UTI!!!

Charlie Etherington visits her past self to share her hard-won knowledge about this all-to-familiar battle that unfortunately wages in the urethras of so many. 


The All-Erika Moen Patreon is officially launched and loaded with comics and art for you! At the end of the month I will stop posting my personal projects on the Oh Joy Sex Toy account here and exclusively share them over on my personal Patreon!



Bailey Doolittle

Apparently my grandma used to get UTIs all the time, and never knew why! I'm glad she's been able to get help, but I can't imagine living almost your whole adult life with constant UTI problems. When my mom learned I was sexually active, she gave me my favorite advice, which is also shared in this comic: ALWAYS PEE AFTER SEX.

The Ferret

Ooh some solid edutainment! Thanks Charlie!


Auhhgggg I wonder regularly how people used to deal with UTIs back before medication for it. UTIs render me non-functional before I get my perscription! All I can do is sit in the bathtub and feel sorry for myself.