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This has been so, so long in the making and I can't believe I can finally share it with you all! I am excited and scared and excited!

The Whys:

Oh Joy Sex Toy is coming up on its tenth anniversary next year and it is funded primarily on this Patreon from all of you. OJST started out very much as "The Erika & Matt Show" and now, a year into my move away to develop my memoir, OJST is surviving and thriving as a community project, a publication that shares so many more voices and stories than Matt and I could ever tell on our own.

Matt works all day, every day with the OJST team and dozens of different guest artists to craft sex positive comics that entertain, educate, empathize, titillate, and help people feel like they're not alone. This Patreon pays for nearly all of it and we are deeply grateful for everyone's support here.

Oh Joy Sex Toy and my personal projects each deserve their own separate spaces, and I am so delighted to finally share the just-Erika Moen Patreon! 



1) The Patreon account that you are subscribed to right this second has changed usernames and URLs from "/ErikaMoen" to "/OhJoySexToy". You are now a proud patron of  just Oh Joy Sex Toy (ooo-la-la!)
2) All upcoming Erika-content (personal autobio comics, art, essays, etc) will be cross-posted between this OJST Patreon here and the Brand New Erika Moen Patreon until the end of November. Starting December 2022, this OJST Patreon will just share OJST-relevant posts.
3) The nine years worth of Erika-specific posts and autobio comics will remain live here on the OJST Patreon! You can dive through this decade of work at your leisure and when you're ready for the newer stuff coming up? You know where to go.


Is Erika 100% done with OJST?

No way, José! I still have so many ideas and comics I want to do for the site. But rather than being a regular monthly artist, I want to step back, work on other projects, and jump back in when I feel ready. You can expect a few OJST comics from me in the next year =D

Can I support both projects?

Yes! And please do! Every dollar OJST earns here is vital to keeping the project alive and Matt and I are so grateful to everyone who participates. You can totally support both the OJST and Erika Moen Patreons at the same time-- WITHOUT BREAKING THE BANK! Please feel free to drop down to a lower tier or set a maximum cap to your pledge here before signing up for the Erika Moen Patreon. 

What happens after November to the higher tiers of Erika-content here on the OJST Patreon?

They'll remain intact with their archives of content, but the new Erika-only updates will stop. In Spring next year, we'll be running a pledge drive and will be making some exclusive comics on those tiers for any of you who stay on at them! We want to get you guys exclusive stuff when we get a chance to make it!

Will the OJST Patreon switch to monthly billing?

Not for the foreseeable future- we launched this Patreon as payment-per-comic when we launched in 2013 and changing that up now is... shockingly complicated and would cause us to lose between ¾ - 4⁄5 of our monthly income, a loss that OJST can't afford and continue to pay artists every week. So it will continue to bill per-OJST-comic, just like it always has.

I was only here for Erika content, is it ok to abandon ship?

Absolutely, this has always been a no-pressure, eternally thankful Patreon. Matt and I want both Patreons to be accessible for you no matter what your flavor is! What we'd really REALLY appreciate is that if you do leave  this OJST ship, try to match your monthly support over there so we can continue to use those funds to still help pay for OJST comics.

Thank you so much for being here, you are directly responsible for funding the creation of so many projects, from Oh Joy Sex Toy to my memoir to all the other ridiculous crafts and stories I've created over the last decade. Genuinely, thank you for your support, for however much and however long it may be.




Hannah K

Hurrah! So excited for what's to come :)


\o/ I have been telling my therapist about your Space Camp comics and how helpful I’ve found them <3