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(Catch up on the first week of #Broctober)

October 10th

October 10th- no wait-oh fuck.

That one is actually October 11th. I got mixed up because I was out of commission for a few days and had to catch up on my backlog of broccoli photos all on one day and I mixed up the dates 😬 Fortunately, I had time to correct the rest:

October 12

October 13

October 14

My favorite thing about drawing my same little broccoli plant every day is how it forces me to notice all these tiny, tiny developments that I wouldn’t even think to notice on my own. I am *emotionally invested* in that middle leaf and the way it is unfurling from a soft, yellow-purple grub-like bundle into this art nouveau-ass billowing sail. I’m obsessed with the arc of his little stem. I stan this broccoli leaf and I am on the edge of my seat to find out how his plot develops over this season.

October 15

Matt’s and my wedding anniversary was today! 14 years married, 17 years together, he’s still my most favorite person in the whole world :3

October 16

Well, here we are, all caught up! You may note that 16’s stalk is at a  pretty pronounced angle, compared to 5-15. He was on his side this  morning and I can only assume the squirrels are to blame, since they  routinely dig up the rest of my broccoli sprouts. I splinted it up and  I’m hoping the bent stalk rightens itself again.

⬆️ Broccoli splints

I’m definitely learning something new with every drawing and I can see  that I am improving even though it is physically painful for me that I  cannot yet accomplish the effects that I am attempting to create.



Matt Zweig

I love art like this! Is there a name for when art is integrated with diagrams and text like this?

The Ferret

Happy Anniversary you two! And yay for Broctober. :)