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As is the way of my people (artists on social media), October is traditionally the month of drawing once a day on some set subject while referring to your project as #[Theme]tober. In the past I've done #Inktober (straight-to-ink), #OCTOber (octopus), #Locktober (Lady LovelyLocks, although there is a pre-existing #Locktober on another corner of the internet that has nothing to do with either drawing or 80s dolls that also looks like a lot of fun if you're into chastity play), and probably some other themes that are escaping me at the moment.

October 1st banged on my door and I still hadn't thought of a subject that  motivated me enough to commit to making 31 drawings so I resigned myself to just following the daily art progress of my friends as a spectator again this year.

Five days in to the month I realized, while weeding my grow box of fall veggies that I had planted from seed, that I did have a subject that I very much do want to document every day for the rest of the month-

My broccoli.

Specifically, this one:

Follow along as I document the daily growth of this one little guy in a project I am calling... #Broctober.

Wish me luck for the rest of the month!


#Broctober 2022



Silke Ceulemans

Damn that is the cutest thing ever

Jaeger Spratt

What a precious little sprout, and the design work of the dates ribbon flowing through the page is absolutely gorgeous!