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Oh boy. 

Hoooooooo boy. 

Today's comic is a doozy. 

When we started OJST six years ago, Matt and I conversations about how explicit the comic should be and how explicitly we should depict ourselves in it. We decided it would be in our best interest and safety to keep all our bits and bobs covered up and leave the nudie sexy stuff to the Masturbateers. Since then we've shown up in the comic a few times in suggestive poses, but nothing, like, SUPER revealing (I don't think). To illustrate, here's a panel from our 2013 comic on butt sex:

Today's comic of Matt reviewing the F-Machine's Pro 3 Fuck Machine is still... kind of obscured. But it's definitely the most revealing I've ever depicted either of us for the site O.O 

When you read the comic, I'm sure you'll understand why we decided to bend our rules this time. 

We both felt this story warranted it. 




The Ferret

Brilliant! and Kudos to Matt for the bravery involved. The story definitely benefited. What a goober of a cat. Gotta admit, Matt's really selling me on the idea of a fucking machine too.