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Oh my gosh, I'm blown away by all the kind messages to yesterday's post. You folks are way too nice to a cartoonist throwing a temper tantrum! I really was touched at everyone telling me to give myself a break.

My schedule is a little complicated and I didn't explain this very clearly in my last post. I've got two choices:

Work through the weekend (with the house guest and wedding, etc) to rework/finish the HPV comic so it can go live on June 23rd, which means I will get the week of June 22-28 off and will be able to have some birthday fun and fulfill my other commitments I've made during that week. Then, June 30th, I'll run the guest comic. So if I put my nose to the grindstone now, I'll be able to have a week away from comicking.

Run the guest comic on June 23rd, which means using the week of June 22-28 to rework/finish the HPV comic so that it can go up June 30th. So if I run the guest comic now, that means I'll have to work through my birthday week where I have a ton of commitments, some of which require me to leave the state for a day. So if I run the guest comic now, I'll have to continue comicking through a really difficult week that includes travel.

Right now I'm gunna try and see if I can make Choice One work so that I can have that deliciousness week away from comicking. But, come Monday, if it's still not done then I won't have a choice but to go for the second option.


Thank you again for all your kind encouragement yesterday. It really did help my day to have unexpected compassion filling up my inbox.




Emanuele Barone

If you go Choice 1, you do with our moral support. If it helps, we imagine ourselves exchanging hifives, drawn in your style. Probably as naughty bits. ^^;


Clearly there needs to be a choice that involves COOKIES. That. Is. All. :)