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My Father-in-Law complimented my beet wreath embroidery piece I just finished and after he'd gone I asked the family if he was just being polite or if they thought this'd make a decent birthday gift for him, as I hadn't a present for him yet and only a few days left to sort that out. So, here we are!

It's due tomorrow, at the joint party he's sharing with his youngest son, since their birthdays are so close to one another.

This is only my second time "finishing" an embroidery piece-- that is, affixing it in a display hoop and covering up the back of it. B. Zedan showed me how and the first time I think I did alright, but this time... haha. It's a bit Frankenstein-y, isn't it? Well, Frankenstein's Monster-y, I should say, since Frankenstein was the mad genius who stitched together and brought back to life the human-shaped monstrosity that I'm pretty sure he never actually named, right? Frankenstein is the doctor and Frankenstein's Monster is the grotesquely assembled cadaver covered in thick, obvious stitches. Much like the backing I made for this piece.


All that rough stuff is on the back, so it's not like it'll be on display, and what kinda dick would focus on the imperfect backside of such a pretty and obviously labor-intensive frontside like this? Not good ol' Mike! Not good ol' Mike.

Done and dusted! Hope he really did like it and he wasn't just being polite. Because now he's about to be stuck with it.


(Cross-posted from my September 30th Instagram post)




Nice to know it's not just me who struggles with making the backs pretty. But you're right! In the end, no one's going to be looking at the back. And the front looks amazing! I love seeing all your embroidery updates. :)


Aww, sweet ending to this series of posts. I don't know how anyone could dislike receiving such a unique and personal gift.