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Finished inking the comic today! You can see two different takes I did on this one panel (the bottom one is gunna be used) 

While Matt was coloring, I took my newely-freed time to go... WRITE. 

I'm working on a series of autobiographical stories I've wanted to do for a few years now. Stories about eloping, immigrating, cutting off all contact with my troubled mom, my complicated feelings about feminism, reuniting with my French host mother after ten years, my fear of motherhood... etc., etc. Basically, what life's like in my 30s, as opposed to the first-half of my 20s which is the incarnation of me that the internet is most familiar with. 

My first stab at this first script is... gotta be honest here, it's a bit rough. But that's ok. I'm giving myself permission to suck as I ease myself back into the swing of this kinda storytelling. That's what revising is for, right!



Penny Gotch

First drafts are supposed to be a bit pants :) It's like NaNoWriMo – the point is just to get stuff down so you can find the hidden gems and polish them up until something shiny :D Good luck writing with the new material!


First drafts are TOTALLY supposed to be like that—did you ever read Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott? She's even got a whole chapter on it, "Shitty First Drafts." :) I'm really (selfishly) excited that you are working on 30-something autobiographical material because I can't wait to read those stories. Consider me head of your cheerleading team, just look over when you need some support and consider me with pom poms. :D