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Wow, so not only are you patrons willing to support me financially, but when I share on here that my husband and I are trying to figure out how to move 140lbs of books between a bike and bus, not one but TWO of you local patrons offer to take time out of your day and help us out with your CARS. 


It's really humbling to have people pledging their money, but the offer of having physical help really... I'm just kinda gobsmacked. I'm really fucking touched. If I weren't so stoic*, I might even get a little misty-eyed at the kindness and support of the people who read my comics. 

*(I am not stoic. At all.) 

Anyway. So what I'm sayin' is, thank you Richard L. for being willing to help us out and thank you MeiLin M. for picking us up and braving the crazy Portland traffic to deliver all our boxes to my downtown office. With her assistance, we could bring another box of books, which brought the weight count up to 175lbs worth of books that needs to be shipped out. Jesus Christ. 

Matt spent the day assembling all the plain books (no signatures or sketches) and packaging them up. I woulda helped him, but he commanded me to work on the comic instead, so I got two pages out of five inked. I had just enough envelopes and packing material to cover those orders, but I'm gunna need to pick up some more supplies to finish packaging the customized books. 

Haha. When we started our Kickstarter for the OJST books, we decided to use a fulfillment company so we wouldn't have to manually send out everyone's pre-orders. But with the flood of orders that came in for the discontinuing DAR! books, it's like we got the Kickstarter fulfillment experience anyway ;) 

Matt installed a catflap for Flapjack (say that out loud, it is delightful) in our home office and it took him a really long time to realize he could use it as he pleases (for the longest time, he would sit in front of it until I'd push it open *for* him) and now that he's finally figured it out I am absolutely ENTHRALLED watching him push his little head against it to pop in and out. Why is this so captivating? I gasp and clap my hands in delight like a wonder filled baby each time he plonks his little head through it. I love this stupid cat so much. He doesn't even know. He doesn't even care. 

A catflap for Flapjack.
Flapjack and his catflap.
Catflap. Flapjack.
Flapjack. Catflap. 

Alright. So. Tomorrow I've got three more pages to ink and Matt'll start coloring these first two. Also, I will be shipping packages. It'll all get taken care of. 

Good talk, team! 




Penny Gotch

I did as you suggested and said "A catflap for Flapjack" out loud and I can concur that it is, indeed, as delightful as you said it would be :D Cats are big dumb babies and they are the best thing ever.