Download Version 1.89 (updated again) for free - for everyone (Patreon)
Hey ladies!
Bad news: Your permission for going outside has been revoked. No more going outside without a good reason! Is that clear? Good.
I will do my part and offer this game for free then. <3
Usually I put the last working version up, while the patron-version is paid, but today I'll make an exception.
Remeber to stay home, don't spread your coronavirus to elderly people, don't catch coronavirus, and stay healthy.
Changelog v.1.89
Fixed a bug which prevented the 2 Goblins from appearing
Little bit of stuff here and there.
Changelog v.1.88
Quickmatch: Fixed a but which caused the main character to have wrong gender.
Fixed a bug which caused story to start when clicking Quickmatch
Elsie enslavement now can be ended if you ask her.
Pee-Skullgirl does not appear anymore if you have urination disabled.
Added / removed Chastity will be visible / invisible instanlty.
Fixed a bug which caused the player to fall off the ground after escaping the goblins
Gobs coffee quest now removes coffee instead of cookies
2 goblins on the way to the goblin-village are now randomized.
Removed the girls walking around in the schoolyard, since the gameobjects eat CPU like Ronda eats breakfast.
Some typos fixed
Changelog v.1.87
Added skin-randomizer for zombies and goblins. (every zombie or goblin should be somewhat unique in style now)
Completely reworked the goblins "captured" scenes. (Maybe it's worth submitting to goblins to check it out.)
Fixed the issue with the player - face color being different from the rest of the body in some scenes.
Fixed a bug which prevented the bowsette-toilet scene from appearing.