Survey Results Response July 2nd 2019 (Patreon)
If you didn't happen to take the survey and would like to you can Click Here
Thank you everyone who answered the survey. I've read over everything and got a lot of wonderful and helpful feedback. This will just be me responding to some of the answers that I think would be nicer to have a response to!
More Commission Slots/ Patreon Slots
In generally, I would love to do more commissions but that requires me being faster which sadly is a sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not sort of deal. As I do this more I will naturally get faster but that does take time.
For patreon slots, I don't think I'll have a dedicated patreon slot as a main reward. Just from personal experience, I like when artists work with as many different people as possible. It feels like a lot of different ideas and experiences get explored rather than feeling like there's a secret commission-able club you're not charismatic enough to get into and also don't have the money to basically be that artist's income.
However, those with a discount wouldn't really be getting a discount if they can't get a slot due to an overflow of commission request forms. So if a patron is Almost As Pure As Koor, I'll trend towards putting them on the commission queue, but my main focus will still be new people to work with, patron or not. For example, if I have 5 slots open and 5 AAPAK patrons(1 already commissioned me, 4 are new) ask for a slot, I'll pick 2 non-patrons, then 3 new to commissions patrons. Once I complete those I'll open again and the 2 patrons that submit a form again will have a more likely chance of being selected.
This way people who want a commission but have already commissioned me aren't left in the cold if lots of people keep submitting forms and I'm slow on commissions, AAPAK patrons aren't losing out on a discount, and people who don't have the money to support this patreon or just simply don't want to support me in that way aren't pay walled off from commissions.
Again, all of that assume there's an overflow, if there isn't an overflow then that person will automatically get the slot! I think this is the best system to go with but if you have suggests on improving it let me know!
Low Pic Count
I want more pics too. At the start of the patreon I had a backlog of finished pictures I released slowly, so there were lots of pics being put out and I had the time to load in more. Thus months wouldn't be a weird flux of different content amounts. Due to life stuff and this slow mode that backlog is just not there. I'm currently trying to remedy that by getting into my fast mode and by making a better backlog system, so hopefully such a feeling is fixed sooner than later!
More Democracy
More democracy is good! I'll be trying to make more short duration polls. That way you guys will have more input while not pushing my ability to work on the stuff later into the month!
More interaction/ Discord
Just 100% upfront honesty, I'm not the most social person in the world so a lot of my action is through things like the polls and answering comments and stuff. I have been thinking about streaming more, but I'm just kinda shit at watching chat. So, I'm thinking of doing gaming streams or light hearted art streams with people being able to talk in discord.
"So you're gonna have a discord now?"
No. I've seen/been in a lot of discords and they tend not to end well or they do end up being great because it's basically the creator's server in name only and the people are what make it great. I don't have the skills or the moderation to make the good type of permanent discord in which it ends well and I'm also engaging in the discord all the time. So if I do make a discord for such streams, I will make it temporary.
There's a real chance I'll change my mind on that in the future but I don't think it's the best time right now to set up a permanent discord.
Needs more wolves/More SFW / #LetCharsCum/ Please draw this
1. More wolves are good and should be acquired
2. I will try but I first need to stop being a slow tycoon.
3. I should probably let more of my chars cum. I'll try to keep that in mind but cuming is hard work so there may still be lots of almost cum/no cum for a hot minute.
4. There's a non-small amount of forms that mentioned wanting to see certain ideas that I haven't done before/ wanting got see more of something and also having the ability to contribute to this suggestion box: [Click here]
Almost As Pure As Koor Patrons are allowed to suggest as many things as they want monthly, although i prefer not to be spammed with 50 ideas. Focusing on say, the top 5 ideas is always a good way to go. Don't worry if you think your idea is weird. I don't go around telling everyone who suggested the idea. If I won't do an idea I just won't put it on the to vote on list. There are kinks and themes people don't ask me to draw but which I like to draw or wouldn't mind drawing so ya.
What you add to the suggestion box and which month you do it influences what I put on that month's polls and future polls. Plus you can vote for as many ideas on those monthly polls as you want. I don't get that many suggestions in the suggestion box so you can influence the poll a lot. One person could easily influence the polls currently. I generally try to not redo the same idea month after month because if 1 idea keeps winning that seems unfair but if enough people suggest it month after month then I'll put in on there, especially now that I'm doing sketches alongside the main winner. I could restrict ideas that keep winning to sketches for a month or two. Thus the idea still gets done but won't dominate all polls!
Your vote is power but your ideas are even more so!
Multiple posts on singular days is bad for notifications
This is something I'm not sure how to fix. I can spit posts up but making one day be the end point in which everything gets sent out makes it easier to plan around and makes me feel better. Plus personally when I didn't use patreon every day I would use it once a week, so the creators that dumped everything one day per week or month made me happy.
I can't really make 1 post to rule them all because each teir gets something different and it'd be weird if things that are related aren't released at similar times. If someone wants to find a singular picture, having it be in a long post weekly posts make that harder to do. I'm fine doing these with sketches only because they're not completed works and I sometimes make a lot of sketches.
If the dump of post is a bigger issue than I realize for a lot of you let me know. Otherwise I'll keep doing the same thing and maybe suggest to patreon to allow me to not have posts notify you if I don't want them to. Thus I could just have 1 post notify everyone that things were released that day
Under Charging
So this is a surprising point that has been brought up by a good amount of people in different ways.
-Commission prices will probably be raised a bit in the future but not by much. I do still want the commissions to be accessible by as many as can be but I'm learning more and more where the line should be drawn, and I also think that line is a little too low.
-$1 FCFS Slot is a rare thing I do. It's more of a gesture of thanks that is within the rules of our overlords. If the amount of support I get is massive I would probably reflect that in regular commission prices or maybe make a discounted slot in a different way but even then it wouldn't be a $1 so please do not worry about such slots.
- Tiers are at good prices I think and I'm just grateful that so many people contribute what they do already. If you think the tier is worth more then you can add money on top of what the tier says. I personally would suggest sharing this patreon with your friends who may want to contribute then giving that extra money you'd give me to other creators that would love to have the money to do the stuff they love as well. However to those who do contribute an amount above the tier already make me feel super happy and I'm glad you guys think me/my tier are worth that!
Comic updates
Comic updates are once a month now and the pictures will be in zip folders now! So more to see with no spoliers still!
Less Naive
I'm doing to answer this seriously and genuinely. Everyone is naive in some areas of life. It's not bad to be naive if you have the community and resources to help you. So like anyone else, I will never be able to be less naive, I will only try to learn and grow.
Allow for Non Anon Survey
For some surveys I'll make non anons options but I do anon surveys to void people from being as bias as they could be. Being known can cause some people to make nicer but less helpful answers or make answers that I "want" to hear because that could make them be seen more favorably by me.
I want to improve not be coddled and I really don't want people to try'n flatter me thinking they'll get something from that. That genuinely doesn't end well unless that person teched into the right charisma build which in that case we're probably just friends and if you expect something from me because you're my friend you're gonna have a bad time.
Update Kink Tag
A singular person mentioned this and I agree! Patreon just now allowed for more tags so future posts will have better tagging. I will try and go back to correct old posts but most people are indifferent so it's not a high priority to get done.
Time Lapse Videos
So time lapse videos are cool and I love them but they are a pain to edit and render. They take up so much space and because of the themes in that video I can't upload them to something like youtube. Plus I just sometimes legit forget to hit record or to open the program cause I'm a nugget.
The survey showed that they're not really popular. So my plan is that I will still do them, but it will be a surprise rarity for my nsfw stuff. I will try to make them more regular for my sfw stuff since my biggest problem is storage and download location.
Not yet. Thank you so much for being so pure!
Okay now it's the end! Thanks for reading