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This is the seventh month of this Patreon and overall is going okay! Thank you all so much for are helping to support my work, to the point where we're half way to the personal goal!!!

TLDR = I responded to the survey (link below), IT'S GOOULY, Comic update once per month + adding patreon credits to comics in the future, more polls + voteable paid ych

So the survey happened!

If you haven't seen the survey and would like to fill it out you can do that By [Clicking Here]

- If you'd like to see me going over it you can [Click Here]


Like last year, it's time to be gooey. I will be making gooey sketches this month. Almost As Pure A Koor furs [click here to vote on gooey times]. If you don't see a scenario you'd like you comment there and I'll draw it. If there's too many comments I'll make another poll.

Also The 4th of July is in the next few days. I hope you have a fun one!

If I'm missing a holiday let me know!

New Comic Info/Stuff

I'll be posting new comic stuff once per month now cause that's easier on me and there can just be 1 large update rather than small updates throughout the month.

I released Hyper Capitalism and Pen-Testing last month. [You can find that in the comic tag]

I think it'd be nice to add Patron names to the comic. I will be messaging everyone at some point in the future for if you'd like to be added in that list and what name you'd like to use. I'll probably start collecting names next month via Patreon DMs.

During the last update I made a RTF file for PenTesting and it came out to be 200+ MBs. That's no good since other file types are not that large. So from now on I'll be making RTF files into DOCX if they're too big!

For future updates I'll be making a zip file with the images added to the comic, just so that they're not only stored in PDF/DOCX/RTF file

Behind on a few things still

The bases are behind mostly due to my standard of making color layers. Keeps them in limbo rather than me working on them. Make those coloring layers takes a lot of time and I think it'd be healthier to just make the simple base like most other base creators do.

I've gotten many TY notes done but not all I needed to. I will definitely get all of them done this month for I don't like being behind on such things.

Regular drawing stuff. So my plan is to finish all the commissions I have this month and do sketches. I think the sketches will help me stop being so nitpicky when I'm drawing cause with less time I still do more, but I do a lot of "fixing" work which I think most people will never really notice and I'd be much better off being confident that I don't need to do such things! Also I just need to practice doing sketches rather than my version of clean work.

Poke go to the....I won't make that joke...

This is primarily for Almost As Pure As Koor furs

I've had some interest in people wanting to be in the poll pictures but I've been shaky on how to implement such things happening. Poll pictures are still personal drawings I make with the influence of you guys! So make it a always actionable thing is not something I'm looking to do. Plus my sense of a pictures auction-able is poor to say the least.

So, I'm going to do what I've been doing, except now if I don't really have a char in mind to be in such a pic, I'll make a "Random char" voting option. If that vote wins, I'll put a random char there, unless someone asks about being in that slot. If their char works with the piece and we can agree on a price then ta-da, that person will be in the artwork!

This is a testing stage sort of deal. We'll make some more rules along the way. Not sure how to deal with multiple people wanting the slot. Let me know what you guys think. I may do FCFS but we'll seeeee.

Also, it kinda suck that in previous polls, other winners wouldn't happen even if they were close in voting numbers. I do think combining close winning votes is fun and works really well but at points the combination doesn't work or you just want the pure stuff.

Well, now I'm going to do 2nd and 3rd winners but keep them as sketches! In order to really do this though requires more polling. So I'm going to make multiple shorter running polls. Most people vote in the first couple of days of the poll being opened so I think this will work out better than before!

That should be all for this month. Remember to check out the survey stuff if you haven't! Thank you all again so much for your support! Hope you have a good pride month!


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