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[Research] Game overs!

  • I don’t like punishing game overs 8
  • I prefer barely punishing game overs 42
  • I prefer moderately punishing game overs 92
  • I prefer very punishing game overs 131
  • I prefer hardcore mode 71
  • 2024-03-08
  • 344 votes
{'title': '[Research] Game overs!', 'choices': [{'text': 'I don’t like punishing game overs', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'I prefer barely punishing game overs', 'votes': 42}, {'text': 'I prefer moderately punishing game overs', 'votes': 92}, {'text': 'I prefer very punishing game overs', 'votes': 131}, {'text': 'I prefer hardcore mode', 'votes': 71}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 8, 14, 51, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 344}


Hey friends

I hope you are having a wonderful day

I have some news, not much, but something is something.

Due to me having to do a lot of bureaucracy I had to cancel my wisdom tooth removal surgery so I will be able to work during this week instead of just laying there suffering, yay!

Over the last few months a bunch of you have been asking for more punishing game overs, specifically on Solas City Heroes, so today I wanted to make a poll about it, not to change anything in Solas City Heroes, but rather for reference for future projects, as in, research.

My next project, which I will reveal very soon will also include a defeat and capture system, so this is an important thing to take into account.

So here are the options on what I would like our opinion

I don’t like punishing game overs

I want to respawn back at a safe area after being defeated. No capture, no fun.

I prefer barely punishing game overs

Similar to Solas City Heroes, where being defeated gets the hero captured, but upon using their special ability they can get out and continue fighting without much [real] inconvenience.

I prefer moderately punishing game overs

This would be similar to Solas City Heroes but without having all the restraint keys and clothing fixups close, so whenever you are captured you would be in a vulnerable position, either via a debuff that makes you weak (for a short period of time, like 5 minutes), or via having a bunch of restraints put on you but not getting you completely bound (hand restraints or leg restraints but not both).

I prefer very punishing game overs

This would make the chances of escaping after getting captured low, causing the player to maybe fall into the possibility of being recaptured multiple times. Something like this would include a debuff that makes you weak for a moderate amount of time (up to 15 mins), or a debuff that makes you unable to fight back, and instantly be defeated upon starting a fight (but not instantly recaptured), or having enemies put as many restraints on you as possible.

I prefer hardcore mode

This option would include that once a character is captured it cannot escape by itself, it will permanently have a bad ending based on where it was captured, so whenever you enter to play that character you would be there, without any real chance of escape (or maybe an extremely hard chance to escape, like being super stealthy and lucky). This would include an instant lose debuff, being fully bound, and having a lot of enemies patrolling.

As with all things, I probably will add some kind of options for captured settings, probably, but just in case I wanna know the overall audience tastes. And no, making all of these as options is just not viable.

Regarding the next project, I will talk soon, I’m just not having enough time to write a proper post and all of that. I’m also working on mastering lighting on Unreal so images look pretty and not burned out or crappy.

So just give me your opinion voting!

As always, extra votes count!

Have a great weekend friends

And Ill be back in a week with the new Kinky Fight Club 2 update!


Criss Cyanide

All I can really say is ya'll have done an outstanding job with Player Accessibility as you've made games, allowing players to tweak and change and turn off as much as you have which far exceeds most games of any kinda out there, so allow players to tweak a Game Over or Game Fail state to their preferences within reason. It keeps the mechanic accessible to a larger amount of players/potential players. People that want it to be hard as hell can have it, people that don't can have it.


Considering this "game over" issue, it occurs to me that what I'd really like to see would be an "ending" that actually enters a whole new branch of the game in which the sexy, dynamic heroine I’ve created (who has kicked the @#$% out of mobs and bosses through as many of the 23 scenarios as possible) is now forced down a different, submissive path at the feet of the “bad guys.” Frankly, what Solas City Heroes already provides in that regard is an unprecedented offering, and I love it. That includes the “submission” option that, once toggled, irrevocably changes the character skills and play in the original game. If the final, “hardcore” option in the voting above had included some interactions and mini-games besides the “wait and watch” hopelessness of the furniture bondage in the Captured settings, I’d have chosen that one without hesitation. I view each character I create and play through the game as an individual story. I love to see each character do her absolute, superheroic best at taking down the bad guys, but through coincidence, tactics, and the villains countering and removing her advantages, she gets defeated, captured, and taken away to another kind of struggle. In spite of what I said in the first paragraph, having the game set up so that a character, once captured, would always reload in the captured scenario and be forced to try and fight her way free again until she succeeds in escaping, is a delicious-sounding mechanic. I think it makes the character creation that much more compelling and interesting to have the risk that she’ll end up just like her other super-colleagues, chained by the neck to some Jabba-the-Hutt-esque supervillain and trying to find a way out (with elements of “Dungeon Coup” maybe?). There is just a lot of delicious potential here, I think. That’s my two cents, but for another two cents, I just have to say, “Thank you” to Mr. Zed and his team for putting together such cool and unique games. Awesome vision and technical realization!