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Hello friends!

Today I want to talk about my next project: Deviance!

What is Deviance?

A third person soulslike-RPG centered around combat and erotic content.

That’s a lot of words, so let’s get to it.

I aim the game to have a play feel similar to souls games/Elden ring, where you can’t just spam one button to win, but rather combat has a pace, not too slow, not too fast. The game will also include a lot of customization options, from the physical aspect, clothing, hairstyles, and all the cosmetic parts (which won’t affect gameplay, so you can always wear what you want), to the way you build your character with attributes, talents and your selection of weapons and consumables!

And of course the erotic content!

I want to make the game as immersive as possible, combining both the combat and erotic aspects of the game. The most basic way to describe it, is taking what I did on Solas City Heroes and making it better, giving more ways to start sexual interactions, having different ways to enjoy the erotic content, and having the erotic content have more weight on the overall gameplay, as well as your sexual actions having more repercussions on your character.

There is a lot more I could talk about, but I don’t want to make an endless post. The TLDR is that I’m making a RPG with a lot erotic content and cool combat.

What’s the setting for Deviance?

Deviance will be set in a different future. There will be mostly modern stuff, but there will also be some high-tech stuff, like small rocket launchers, flaming swords, and even flamethrowers. There will also be magic!

The player as well as a lot of people will be trapped on an island from which they have to find a way to escape the island… however most island dwellers don’t want to escape the island…

You will be able to use swords, guns, explosives, divine magic, hexes, and even summon creatures to fight!

However, here is the thing. As many of you may know, around 6 months ago I decided to jump ship from Unity to Unreal (for a lot of reasons). And I was building this project for quite a bit on unity when I had some spare time, so now I’m slowly rebuilding it on Unreal, which is a huge task, considering I’m still learning Unreal, which is a completely different beast than unity.

Here is a side to side comparison between Unity and Unreal. Same character, same textures.

Left (unreal, at 1 week of work), Right Unity 

This is how it looks now that I been able to put more time to work on shaders

All in all, we are progressing with the game, a lot of stuff had to be redone, and I’m spending massive amounts of time just importing stuff from unity to unreal, or converting files from one format to another because Unreal is extremely picky on what kind of files it accepts and how it does it. Overall, progress is a bit slow, but we are progressing. I expect a first demo would be ready for around october, maybe september, as I have a quite high quality standard for a first demo, and I don’t like to show unfinished things.

So below I added a video, where you can see some of the things that I had done in Unity and are now Moving to Unreal.

In the video you can see the player changing equipment on each hand independently, you can see a variety of weapons (unarmed, swords, a handgun, a greatsword), performing attacks with a weapon one-handed, and then two-handing the weapon and performing attacks with the weapon with both hands, using a consumable to restore health and throwing some grenades.


That video is just to show the direction we want to go with Deviance.

Where are we currently?

It’s still very early development for Deviace, as I had to take a lot of time off to learn Unreal (while also still working on the unity projects). So far most of the female clothing is ready, the customization system is working and we have started working on the sex system. There is still a lot to do, but I will start making small updates and showing stuff once we finish things.

I hope you are as hyped for this project as I am, as this is by far my biggest project, and I expect to work on this for quite some time and make it huge!

A lot of the content that will be featured in the game has been made taking into account the opinions of players and patrons, as well as feedback received from previous games on what they liked and what they didn’t.

And that’s all I have for today, friends!

(Yes, there will be missiles)

As usual I wanna thank all of you who are supporting us. Making games is extremely expensive and without your support we wouldn’t be able to do it.

If you are not a supporter, and are hyped about this, consider supporting us on this pre-alpha phase so we can progress faster and have a better game for the first demo!

(textures improvements on some clothing, and better layering)

I made an Itch page for the project where I will be posting Devlogs


I will be coming back on Saturday with this month’s update!

Have an amazing week friends!




I am rooting for this game. It is off to an awesome start. I look forward to help anyway I can, including the surveys.


Huge surprise and not at all what I was expecting the next game to be and I am absolutely here for it!