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Hey friends, I hope you are having a great day!

Today my friends, I bring to you the 0.1.2 update for Solas City Heroes!

This update adds a few new features, as well as new enemies and sex positions, and a massive bugfix!

On Saturday I will release the free demo for Solas City Heroes on Itch.io, which will only include the first level, and a few other restrictions.

The update for Kinky Fight Club is almost ready, we are testing a lot and trying to get every possible bug found and fixed before the update. (who could have thought that completely rewriting the system to allow more than 100 characters would generate so many errors and complications).

So, let’s see what is new for this update!


The weakness system has been implemented! Now while you are in a sex position of your chosen weakness you will gain additional Special each second, but will also take more Arousal, and dominating will be slightly harder. This system will be expanded later on, when the talents are added.

Sexfight modes

I added a new system that allows you to pick which style of sexfight you want to use. These are the options:

  • Classic: the current button-mashing system!
  • RPG-Style: When you press Z or X to gain domination, a cast bar appears, and you will gain domination over 3 seconds. The same is true for pressing left or right to escape. The amount of domination gained is based on your stats and a bit of RNG.
  • Auto-mode: Similar to the RPG-style, but when you press Z/X or Left/Right, the system will start trying to dominate or escape automatically, and will not stop until the sexfight is over. The amount of domination gained is based on your stats, a bit or RNG and a random personality roll (sometimes having the auto-system be super aggressive or sometimes being a bit lazy, and everything in between.)

The amount of domination your enemies gain is toned down for the RPG and AUTO modes. The difficulty should be the same for every mode.

Combo counter

I added a new combo counter! This player-requested feature now counts how many hits you do in a row! It’s a very classic system, so there isn’t much to explain. In the future, longer combos will yield bonuses. At the end of the level you can see  your longest combo!

Rebalanced enemies

With the addition of the new Sexfight Modes, the enemy scaling was completely rebalanced. It shouldn’t be very noticeable for enemies in the Stage 1, while enemies on the Stage 2 and 3 will feel slightly weaker than before, however now both player and enemies scale at the same rate, preventing huge spikes in difficulty.

This was also needed for the talent system, and for other systems.

Boss enemies should also be more resistant now, being harder to take down, and having resistance to knockdowns.

New Stage: The hideout!

A new stage has been added. Go and explore the minion’s hideout!

This new stage includes 2 new enemies: A new type of thug, and a new type of villain, each with their own new sex positions!

And also a new boss: The marauder!

Loading screen

Some of the bugs in the game were generated by a weird interaction with the old loading screen system. I tried to fix it to no avail, so I yeeted it off the project. I got a new loading system, and everything seems to work better now. The bug that would cause menus to not load properly when returning from another level is now fixed!

Optimization & size reduction

I optimized the game to increase performance once again, there is no need for me to go into details now, but the game should run slightly better and now it weighs 600 gb less (when compressed). So yeah, stuff runs better and is less heavy!


As requested by many of you, I’ve added cheats to the game!
The cheats can be found in this post, but as usual, it is a treat for those of you who contribute the most so we can keep the lights on the project. 

The cheat system in this game works differently: In the character hub you can go to settings > others, and find a place to put the 5 digit code, and there you can enable the cheats.

The cheats include:  Doble damage, Super stamina (lose less max health when cumming), Super defense, Doble special charge, and Bonus coins!

You can enable or disable each one of these individually.

Massive bugfix

Thanks to all the bug reports I got in the last two months, I spent a lot of time trying to fix them, and I fixed a lot of stuff, please check the changelog below to see which ones were fixed,  but I think all of the common ones were fixed, with the exception of the blank-save character.

And that’s all the important stuff for now!

I improved and added other smaller features that don't have a big impact now, but will be more important in the future (like the Statistics window now displaying the information properly and the remaking of the dialogue-setup system). Progress is relatively slow but steady, and that is something that makes me happy. Hopefully if we get a bit more funding this month I'll be able to start looking for an animator or a programmer (as I've been coding everything myself after the fiasco with the last one).

On another good news, I have a fully voiced set for the female character, with all the necessary sounds. I'm hoping in the next two months I'll get enough voices to add the voice-selection feature. I aim to have one weak, one medium, and one strong voice set for male, and female. Once I get those I will add the system, with the possibility for expanding it even further in the future. For now I only have one voice set ready, but I'm happy that the ball has started rolling!

And this post is already long, so I better finish here. All in all, I'm very hyped and happy, and lots of cool stuff is coming soon!

Here is the link for Solas City Heroes Update 0.1.2. 

And as always I wanna thank all of you who are supporting the development of our games, this is super important as it allows us to do what we love for a living, and to improve the game for all of you! Thank you!

And if you have any feedback, critics, suggestions and bug reports, feel free to tell me in discord!

(Invite: https://discord.com/invite/hjxwd2k )

And that’s all for today, friends!


Changelog Solas City Heroes 0.1.2


  • Added the Weakness system! You now gain more Special while in your favorite sex positions, however you also take more arousal, dominating and escaping is harder!
  • Remade the base weakness/fetish system for easier scalability in the future
  • Duration of recently fucked (hidden debuff) increased by 40%.
  • Now you won’t be able to dominate back if you get completely dominated (Domination reaches 0)
  • Added a system to change between Sexfights modes, for different lewd gameplay styles.
  • Added a RPG-Style sexfight mode! (based on KYFC system)
  • Added an Auto-mode sexfight mode! (just watch and enjoy)
  • Fixed an issue with one of the animations playing a lesbian version when one of the participants was a futa.
  • Fixed an issue with all breast play animations not recognizing futas accordingly.
  • Added a Cheat system! You can unlock the cheats in the Settings > Other section.
  • Added 5 new Cheats!
  • Added the Third level: The hideout!
  • Added 2 new enemies, and one new boss!
  • Added 8 new sex positions!
  • Fixed an issue with the dialogue scene where stuff from the second dialogue overlapped the stuff in the first dialogue.
  • Added a new Tutorial for the Sexfight!
  • Tutorial info now lasts 30% longer.
  • Removed the forklift in the Warehouse until I can make the AI smarter so it doesn’t get stuck.
  • Enemies should bounce off the walls instead of getting stuck.
  • Added a Combo counter!
  • Slightly modified the warehouse to prevent AI fuckups.
  • Fixed an issue with Futa dick not spawning when the player is set as futa and passive role.
  • Hero masks will now properly animate with the face of the character.
  • Fixed an issue with some passive futa enemies not being properly futa.
  • Futanari enemies are now properly marked as futa, even if they are passive.
  • Optimized the in-game HUD for some marginal FPS gains. (but gains are gains!)
  • Optimized the Main menu and player hubs UI for some marginal FPS gains.
  • Fixed an issue that caused enemies starting a grapple at 1hp to die before being able to cum, causing the player to get stuck.
  • Improved the loading order of the intro, now it looks as it should.
  • Enemies should spread around the player better now.
  • Bosses now have a 50% chance to resist knockdowns.
  • Enemies head slot items won’t always be removed when undressing them.
  • Changed the way the enemy power scales to be more linear.
  • Enemies completely dominated now can now longer gain domination back.
  • Replaced the whole loading screen system with a new one, fixing the horrible bug that prevented players from going back to the main menu and into the player hub.
  • Fixed an issue that caused enemies to be able to damage the player while they were being disintegrated
  • Beating enemies are now properly accounted in the statistics
  • Fixed an issue with the male skin texture not being set up properly sometimes.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the boots to not be properly removed for some footjobs when the option to remove boots for footjobs is enabled
  • Fixed an issue with some cowgirl positions not activating dicks properly!
  • Improved the handjob animations male/female/futa detection.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the AI to sometimes wander around and fail to find the player while the player is downed.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the text from the enemy to stack over the text from the player in the dialogue scenes.
  • Increased the compression quality for the game, reducing it’s total roughly by 35% (from 1.85gb compressed to 1.2gb)



First! Tacos rule!

Walter Madison

Can't wait to check it out, thanks Zed! One of these days I'll beat LordJerle to the first comment - but today is not that day!

Frank Baum

Great Stuff! You say: "Boss enemies should also be more resistant now, being harder to take down, and having resistance to knockdowns." How can I take down an enemy? I only figured out how to hit enemies. But I cannot take don enemies and initiate sex. Is that possible? How?


Oh no, I mean that usually every 3rd hit you usually knock down enemies getting them away from you. Bosses have 60% resistant to being knocked down this way. For now the player cannot initiate sex.


Anyone else encounter a bug where sometimes an enemy will not expire from sex? They just hang on at a sliver of health indefinitely. Using the auto-mode option for sexfights.


Does this happen usually? or just once or twice? I couldn't reproduce it yet D: