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Hello friends!

I'm back with a quick fix!

This is just a quick and small fix, it doesn’t add new features, so i'll just call it 0.1.1 Fix. Now, regarding an issue with crashes to some players.

Last week while I was building the project on my old computer it crashed some times, and in one of those times I changed the built architecture from _86_64 to _86. Why? Apparently this was the cause of the crash in unity, and the unity documentation said that builds with the architecture of _86 (or x86) should perform better than the other, and work as expected in any OS architecture (including 32 bits). Well, it seems this was a lie.

I'm quite sure this was the cause, as that is literally the only thing I changed in the game player or main menu.

Let’s hope it is this, otherwise I'm screwed.

And this is the bigger fix, but I also fixed other stuff, here is the changelog:

Changelog 0.1.1Fix

  • Fixed an issue with enemies dying and cumming consuming the player’s max life (unless the player would also cum by having it’s ecstasy bar full)
  • Fixed an issue with facial expressions being reversed sometimes
  • Fixed an issue with Ground Footjob not working on passive characters (Gray minion)
  • Fixed a possible issue with some enemies not re-dressing correctly.

Download links



And that’s all for today, friends!

Thanks for supporting the project and I hope you are having a lot of fun with the update.

And hey, shoot me up with some of your heroes in the discord!



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