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Hello everyone, I hope you are having a wonderful day!
After so much delays, drama, sickness and stuff I'm finally here with a new update!

These last weeks were very crazy, I spent the holidays with my family and managed to gain almost 3kgs in two weeks, and once I got back here I got sick and spent 6 days in bed with fever, nausea and sleeping 15-16hs a day. (Good thing i can work on my notebook!)

And also I had to deal with foreign publishers which delayed everything, but ill explain that later.
But without more notice, let go to the update! Warning: it's fucking long!

So, what's new?

Dirty talk!
After three months of development I'm finally (sort of) proud to announce that I added the dirty talk system to the game!
This optional feature can be enabled and disabled in the Extras menu and doesn't require unlocking.
While active every 25-35 second characters will taunt, insult, tell what they are thinking /feeling or interact with their opponent in some way, and will also do so at the beggining and end of the match!
The system includes a whooping total of 1536 lines distributed among start/end of fight dialogues, taunts, exclamations, expressions, personalities and movements.
There are Four different types of personalities:
Innocent: As innocent(for someone participating in KYFC) and Happy-going as possible!
Daring: The middle ground: not so innocent, but not super kinky, and mostly competitive!
Kinky: The kinkiest of the three, not much more to add here.
Mixed: This one is just all the lines of the previos three personalities together!

There are different lines based on personality, current domination and movement.
So it is possible that you may find some lines repeated, since there are around 15-30 different lines for different situations-personalities.
But there's a lot of possible situations! http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20150718224913/spongebob/images/7/75/Over_9000.gif
This system can be expanded in the future with more lines, and if we get enough funding, even voice acting!
That why after speaking with voice actors and doing some math I added that to the 2000s Goal, because at that point I will be able to save enough to pay for it and not go in debt. (again).

Start naked!
Added a new Player requested feature. This optional feature can be activated in the extras menu after unlocking it.
You can choose to start the matches both you and the opponent, completely clothed (as usual), half naked (no underwear or shirt), or completely naked!

Revamped UI
With the development of story mode I upgraded the buttons and overall UI, so I had to do the same for the rest of the game. I hope you guys like the new UI.
The game now also has a better style identity and is more consistent between scenes!

Character creator update!
I added most of the missing stuff to the character creator, I think on the next version all the items in game will be already in the character creator.
And since I love customization so much and colors I made some next texture variations for some gloves and stockings.
Added some extra costume variations for one Crown Tier Patron!
I also added a third slot for Custom Characters!
And Added the feature to add name to your Characters!
Also added the missing Passive abilities, and all the stuff from the new character, including one extra mirrored version of his battle pose!

Fixed typos
Most of them, specially in the tutorial! Thanks to all who reported the gramatical errors, English is not my first language, and sometimes I forgot how thing are written.

Modified Characters Head Size
After the results of the previos [Research] i modified the Character's head accordingly. Please tell me later if you like the head better now, or before, and what would you change (bigger or smaller).
Thanks for the feedback!

Slight modify to Facial Expressions
I Fixed some errors that caused facial expressions to remain after using counter. And i also added some facial expressions to the standard battle pose: these will change based on how turned on the character is, and how close to losing is!
These were just small adjustments, purely in code, i will in the future make some REAL facial expressions for the characters!

Double Cum!
This was another player suggestion. I love you fellas, thanks for these great ideas, and this actually started because of a bug, heh, sometimes they end up being useful. lol.
So, whenever both the character and the opponent cum at the same time, A Double Orgasm sign will appear and the player will win some extra coins!
Additionally, whenever there is a double cum, the player will always win (instead of only 50% of the time as was before). 

Improved the Sex Movement tree for lesbians
In this version 4 new movements have been added, all of them include their F/F variation!
This expands the total of lesbian movements and allowed me to upgrade the way the game selects which movement will be used in which case. Essentially, now there should be more variation on the moves selected for lesbian animations.
Also there is a new Cowgirl position for lesbians (with a F/M variation), called Cowgirl 3, thanks to one of the Crown Tier patrons!

Improved the Club background.
It looks prettier now! more upgrades will be coming in the future (as said in the current [Research] poll for background and public.
A detail from this: There will always be the option for the matches to be Intimate (no public at all).

Added a new character : Joao
With a background in martial arts, he is a dangeours opponent to get matched agaisnt!
His passive is not new: he has the same passive as Daira, i wanted to keep characters male and females with mirroring passives, to have a better balance. This will also be reflected on the next female character.
He includes 3 new movements, Piledriver missionary, Table handjob, and Trap N' Suck. All of his movements include their own lesbian variant! (so that's double the ammount of animations >_<)

Bug Fixes
As usual, bug fixes, animations corrections, and some optimization, which you can find the whole thing in the changelog below!

Boy this is a long post, there are some stuff im working "behind the screen", in the story mode, that's why im doing one update per month, it makes way easier for me to focus on the Story mode, which i have to hunry a bit so i can release the game in May as expected. Here is a image of the Story mode "house"
Im still missing the house backgroun, but this is the map to go around Atlantic City, and all the menus you will have access to in the "house". All of them are functional :D

On the next weeks i will proceed to keep making the other areas. The map isn't finished yet, its a beta-working-version for me to code it right. (im not doing the art myself, im comissioning the backgrounds)

Besides this, i want to put the game in stores once it is finished, im focusing on Steam, Dlsite, and -maybe- Nutaku. After talking with DLsite and sending them a proper censored version for the game for them to test, they told me they couldn't make the game run, so i spent almost two weeks trying to find ways to fix it, until i made the 0.7D public, and at that point i also made a censored version of that one, that i sent to the japanese, expecting it to not work again, but it worked. In the end, i believe the error were from them originally, because i didn't change anything that could make it work different than before. So i lost quite a bit of time there...
The next step will be losing some time dealing with Steamworks, but that's something i have to do at some point.

Alright so, last thing: I have started talking with Voice Actors, so some cool things may be coming for the next month too, and at some point in the development during this month i leveled up. And now i want to re-do and improve the characters, and i think at some point between february and march i will try to find some time to do it, not sure when, but i want to improve the textures of the characters for the final product. I wont change the style, just make things prettier.

Also, there may be some mispellings or stuff like that in the dirty talk system, just let me know which words so i can fix them! 

I wanna thank all of you, you are the ones who help me keep making the game better, so yeah, THANKS! you guys and girls rock, and i hope i can make the game as good as you want!

As always im happy te receive feedback, criticism, and bug reports!

Quick Update Fix!

EDIT: Ficked a weird bug that caused the Default option for the Start Naked system to be naked rather than Clothed.
Also fixed Cyara's second costume chest color: now its back to white!

All links Reuploaded!:



Mac Version!


Extra note: Last night i learned how to properly do fishnets, so im gonna start putting WAY BETTER fishnets in the game hahahaha.

Changelog 0.8 (longest one so far!):

  • Fixed an issue that caused some times when using Counter to do not reset the characters facial expressions.
  • Fixed an issue that caused when both characters cum at the sime time to one of them stay in battle pose inactive for 3-12 seconds.
  • Corrected an error that caused the game to missbehave when two characters cum at the same time and there is no clear winner.
  • Added Feature: Double Cum! When both characters cum at the same time in 3Cum mode you get an extra 10 coins at the end of the match!
  • Corrected Tutorial misspellings.
  • Increased the amount of coins for winning in three cum mode: from 200% to 300%! (x3 cums, x3 prize!)
  • Updated Counter, Overpower, Transition and Critical images shown when the skills are used, in order to improve game identity and prepare for future localization.
  • Updated GUI text fonts in order to improve game identity and prepare for future localization.
  • Updated GUI bars to look better!
  • Slightly optimized script behavior on the main game script for simpler code. (small in-game impact)
  • Added a new slot for a Custom Character!
  • New Player-requested Feature added: Start Naked! You can choose to either start with clothing normally, or with half-clothing, or completely naked!
  • Added a total of 124 new color variations distributed between most Stockings, pantyhose and gloves!
  • Added 4 Male underwear to the Character Creator.
  • Added 7 Female Bra to the Character Creator.
  • Added 2 Female Garter belts to the Character Creator.
  • Improved the Quick Time Event display arrows for better visualizing them!
  • Modified all character's head size according to the preliminar results of the research post.
  • Added a new 5-stage Active role starting movement: Piledriver Missionary!
  • Added a new 5-stage Active role starting movement variation: Piledriver Missionary - lesbian. The movements Piledriver and Lifted missionary will be using this animation when on dickless F/F situations.
  • Added a new 3-stage Active role starting movement: Table Handjob, it includes it's passive role, F/F and M/M variations!
  • Added a new 3-stage Active Role starting movement: Trap N' Suck, it includes a F/F variation!
  • Added a new -Crown Tier reward- 5-stage Passive Role starting movement: Cowgirl 3. This was designed as a lesbian movement, however a F/M variation was added.
  • Modified Lesbian sex movement: Legtrap missionary instead of triggering the Scissoring movement will instead trigger Piledriver, but from the bottom position.
  • Modified Lesbian sex movement: Lifted missionary instead of triggering the Scissoring movement wil instead trigger Piledrive, from the top position.
  • Added a new Battle pose, and it's mirrored version!
  • Added a new Character: Joao, the Storm! a Resilient and tactical wrestler joins the club!
  • Added all the new character's clothing to the Character Creator.
  • Updated Brianna's skin (again), now it looks prettier!.
  • Added missing Characters to the Arcade listings!
  • Slightly adjusted hair size to reduce clipping.
  • Added facial expressions while idle in the match, these will reflect the overal Ecstasis level of the character!
  • Improved Player and Opponent scripts to optimize memory usage, and hopefully stop clipping from big/huge dicks!
  • Added missing passives to the Character Creator! (Including "Swift Learner")
  • Added one extra color variation to 23 items (mostly garters, stockings and gloves), this color variation is a black semi-transparent variation!
  • Updated some movements pathway to now properly redirect to some (other) F/F movement when there is no F/F variation available for that particular movement.
  • Added player personalities! (this is necesary for the Dirty Talk system)
  • The player personalities for now are 4:
  • 1 - Innocent (as innocent as you can be joining the Kinky fight club!)
  • 2 - Daring (kinda standard person, not super kinky, not super innocent)
  • 3 - Kinky (the kinkiest, most dominant or submissive (based on the situation) personality!)
  • 4 - Mixed ( it can trigger any dialogue, from the previous personalities)
  • Added the feature to name your character in the Character creator!
  • Changed the default 50%/50% chance for you to win or lose in double orgasms to be 100% winning, because getting double orgasms isn't easy!
  • uplifted Ground Footjob movement by 6% to avoid ground-clipping.
  • Modified the background of the inside of the club. nook it looks a bit better!
  • Updated Kat's third costume bra!
  • Added new patron-requested-feature: Dirty Talk: At some points during the match the characters will either taunt each other, or say what they are thinking, or just trash talk their opponent! This is an optional feature and can be enabled in the Extras menu.



As always ill be watching this post and the Discord for the next days, so if some bug comes up or something ill fix it asap!


Keep up the wonderful job you are doing!!!!


Nice work, you put in more effort than most of the creators I am subscribed to combined.


Great work and it shows! Keep it up!

Walter Madison

Awesome update, Mr. Zed, and we all hope you're feeling better!

rodney king

Love the new version! Dirty talking definitely adds to the replayability! Keep up the great work


Hi there, I would have an idea in 3 mode if someone come stay that position


i tought about that, but if you stay in the same move (and domination) after cumming in 3cum mode, it starts becoming more unbalanced towards the winning character each time!


Hi there, Do it as skills or as Others