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Big thanks to everyone for voting and leaving feedback in the comments last poll - While the results were very decisive, a lot of you brought up some pretty good points about staying consistent with our own short format, and gave me a few ideas for the future.

First thing I've concluded was that this "workflow" video will indeed be short. It's not going to show everything at 100x speed. Instead I'm just going to show highlight the main parts of the workflow, and talk about what was going through my head during that part of the work. I'm going to try to keep the video between 3 and 4 minutes long, and it will really just summarize the entire series into a coherent demonstration.

On a side note, depending on the reception of the video and how you guys felt it helped or didn't help I might start to record my work regularly and upload them, at the moment I'm thinking it would probably be Patreon only, but we'll probably vote on that if we cross that bridge later -

Either way, thank you everyone for participating last poll. The tutorial should be up tomorrow-ish so see ya soon next vid :)

