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I've been working on Anime Texturing the Virus Enemies. And, since I am going to go through the entire Anime Texturing process all over again for each character, the idea occurred to me that maybe I could record one of the whole processes and compress it into a single "Workflow Demonstration" video and post it at the end of the series. It's a bit of extra work, but if it's something you'd like to see or if it's something you think would be helpful, I don't mind recording my work for one of the characters from beginning to end. 



I really like the shorts - but a long work flow, for this particular topic, appeals to me. I can always scrub through parts that may seemed glossed over and take it a frame at a time, if necessary, to get it anchored in my thick skull. 8-)


I would like to see a long workflow video, but I could see how it could also put some viewers off as it is the opposite model from what I imagine draws many people to this channel. Maybe it could be a Patreon/Members only video. Not to put it behind a paywall, but to put it in a space that seems more open to long-form content. I've seen other YouTubers like Ian Hubert do something similar.