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So, after taking a lot of feedback and ideas for how to go about our RPG Community Character Set, I've come up with the following options. It's very important to me that in some way we stay true to our "Giving to the community Awesome Quality stuff for free" ideals. At the same time, this is also something I'd like to turn into a profession, and make a living doing if possible.

I think what's most important about the time I spend this year is that the time I put into creating these characters is magnified by the fact that these characters will have use to more people than just myself. By contrast if I was hired by a company to do the same work, the characters would only be usable by that company itself, which I feel is a waste.

Keep in mind. These characters will each likely have about 500+ hours of work put into them over the span of 1-2 months each. I reckon:
2-weeks to Sculpt/Model
1-Week to Topologize/UV/Texture
1-week to Rig/Weight paint
1-week to create Shapekeys/Drivers
1-week to Animate
1-week to Export/Program in Unreal.
So, the whole-shebang. Anyone who downloads these characters is gonna get a FULLY done quality Character.  

I will constantly strive to make these Characters as Professionally Complete as possible, but I also have to be realistic with the fact that 2 months of work without pay isn't really any way to make a living or a career, so ideally I'd like to find a nice balance between staying true with my giving the best quality content I can for free, but also not starve to death in the process. So, what do you guys think about the following ideas?




Lot of good opinions here. I agree with everyone who is saying limit what you put out. Personally I think 1 is more than enough. Kind of a "check your work, back of the mathbook example" we are here to learn how to bring our own ideas to life. Free stuff is amazing. But its not 'my' creation. I really apprecieate your dedication to giving to the community is almost going a bit far. If your going to put more models out there, just sell em. Maybe a little discount for patreons, but nothing over the top.


I'm very split on this topic of monetization, but I like flat rates more than subscriptions especially if the flat rate is fair for the projected mileage.