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In the spirit of starting the new year fresh and fun, I'd like to go with the new theme of the community badges from last post. YouTube let's members wear badges depending on how long they have been supporting. The longer they support, the higher their badge becomes. You can see the first 4 above. And the last two for 1 Year & 2 Year are 'Ace' and 'Joker'.

You probably noticed that our theme for the badges are suits in a deck of cards. My reason being is that I believe a deck of cards symbolizes one of the few game sets that has truly withstood the test of time. It's a classic, and artistically beautiful.

To go in hand with this theme, I'm renaming the tiers after Chess. Chess is another favorite game of mine that is a historical classic. It represents sportsmanship, strategy, and fair-play, which are all values I think are important. "Nobles" > will be changed to "Biships", and "Knights" > will be changed to "Kings". In YouTube, since there are 3 tiers it will look like "Biships", "Rooks", and "Kings"(Queens if you're a girl of course)  -

Probably wont take affect until the middle or end of next month, but it's something coming up. So, hope you guys look forward to the changes coming next year. I think it's gonna be a lot of fun :)




Sounds cool to me I'm always down to give you more of my money. But this time I get a medallion to mark my knightly service. :D


I'm really excited about the medallions too actually, glad you like the design!