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Well Squad, we did it... As of the last video, we have finally completed the Blender Fundamental Series. From now on, for anyone in the world starting 3D for the first time. There is a complete series FREELY available that will get them started step by step through: Modeling, UV-Mapping, Texturing, Procedurals, Rigging, Weight painting, Drivers, Shape-Keys, Manual Animation, Motion-Capture Animation, Kitbashing, Exporting, and even a little Unity.

I honestly, can't even imagine how much of a difference that would have made for me when I was starting out for the first time... Would have changed my life completely and allowed me to skip so many years of looking and figuring this information out on my own ...

But, it's there now. And, it's there forever. I just want you to know, We pumped out 115 videos this year. Much of the info in those 5 minute videos took me hours to find out throughout my life. The views for each video spans anywhere from 2000 - 600,000. And, a large percentage of those views = hours saved for that individual.

So, if you ever wanted to know just what kind of affects you have had on the world. Just look at the channel, just have fun reading the comments, the positive effects and experience people have is the result of all the incredible support you guys give each month. I could not ask for a more incredible Patron Squad. You guys are truly the best, and will be my Heroes till the end of time :)

So please, enjoy your well earned Holidays, have a Merry Christmas, and as always, have a Fantastic Day :)

-Royal Skies- 




THANKS! Merry Christmas to you too. Is there anyplace that has a list of all the videos and a link so we can watch them when we have a specific question that needs an answer in 2 minutes?


Merry Christmas to you! Thank you for all you've done for us


I'm working on creating an organized Playlist for that. I'll let you know as soon as it's completed :)