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I wasn't originally going to give her this kind of weapon. But, as I was making the tutorial it actually didn't turn out so bad. Should she keep it?? What do you think?




would it be the only weapon you gain in the game? sounds interesting. I like the idea if its retractable or needed for something specific in the game at some point. i.e. like some bad actor that is a closeup encounter that can only be killed with a stab of the tail weapon or does the tail weapon shot something or is it like a scorpion and has poison?


If you end up making another player character for the game, even if it's DLC, they could have retractable, bladed whips on either arm, like the tail you designed, for a more melee-based experience. Plus, they could use the grapples to traverse the levels in interesting ways. That said, I like Les' idea of a retractable, sentient tail ala Dr. Strange's cape. I also like your idea of getting it as drop from a late- / end-game boss battle.