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Well, the poll results were a perfect split between Modeling & Animation. And, A lot of you left some very good insight in the comments. After reading the feedback, and all the points that were made, here's what I' think about going forward.

Because of you guys, I'm in a very blessed position of being able to give all best ideas, characters, and animations to the community for Free. I've been the jack of all trades for my whole life (focused on modeling, rigging, and animation), but next year I think it's finally time to dedicate to 1 field with everything I've got.

One thing to also consider is keeping the channel fun to watch. And, honestly I think the most fun I've had here with you guys is planning character creation. Voting on what we want to make, and then planning how to bring that to life has been truly fulfilling for me. Something I'm very looking forward to is creating the Witch character next year for the community. And I think it's a process that will constantly be fun for people to watch and be a part of.

I'm fairly confident in my abilities as an animator already, so I don't feel the need to practice it as much. But, I think if I can learn to create high res characters like the one you see above, use my existing rigging skills to give them a few basic RPG animations, and then we give those away for free. That's probably the most valuable thing we can do for the community, especially since character's like this can usually cost people hundreds if not thousands of dollars -

I know it's possible to get good enough to make these kind of models in 2 or 3 days. It'll probably take a few years before I get that good, but once I get there, I really like the idea of us voting on character's we want to make, and then giving them to the community every 4 or 5 days. At least, that's what I'm thinking right now. What do you guys think??




Im thinking - make base character block out in Blender, Refine it in Zbrush (get normals, etc), Retop in Blender/Maya, then color in Substance painter.


i really enjoyed the character creation polls, and also think you'll get some good engagement on there. Also might be a draw for some Youtubers to come here and support if they know they can engage and vote on the characters to create. If getting even better at character moddeling and design is your ambition then yeah, makes sence to combine that learning and training with what your channel and paetron is about. Though yeah, have to agree with someone above suggesting maybe to make them cheap instead of free. As thats quite a high time and skill resource you'd be looking to give away for nothing. Might as well gain some funding from it to further your own development. Just somthing to consider. Anyway, im totally looking forward to seeing how the Witch develops :D.


That is more or less exactly what I believe will become the final workflow :)


Haha, I'm glad you enjoyed those too- Yeah, I've had some close people around me kinda echo what you just said about giving away the high rest characters free. Their argument was "Being free will make people believe something is wrong with the character models, and that's not true". Kinda like the paradox of people wanting things because they know the value. I've seen it happen in real life in marketing, advertisement, and even charity things so, it's something I'll have to think about more - Glad you're looking forward to the design, I honestly can't wait for next year because of it :)