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As many of you know we are nearing the end of the Blender Fundamental tutorial series. Once we are done, depending on how close we are to our Patreon Goals, we'll probably do Facial Motion Capture, and if we break 1000, then I have a short "Introduction To Game Programming" series planned as well -

After that, we'll still do tutorials, but I'd like to pivot the direction of the channel to creating useful 3D Animation assets for the community. These will not only include Motion Capture Animations, but ALSO fully rigged characters for animators who don't have their own models.

I've thought out a Fantasy themed RPG set of the characters I'd like to create for the community, but I'd like to know which one is your favorite, because that will probably be the 3D character we create first:  



I'm always the archer guy. The more mobile and swift they make the class, the better


The archer is one of my favorites too, and it's always the one I level up first when I play other games lol. Looks like it's a favorite class here on the Squad too, so we'll probably be making that one after the witch/wizard -


Bassed off the top 4 poll results being Archer + Wizard, assasin, dark magic,.. i suggest the first character is a Longbowman (snipier) with magic missile arrows :) (with a few nasty suprises mixed in the arrow stock,. like DEMONIC FIRE!!),.. oh and a stealth cloak :) Or,. i supose,.. it's making them individualy,... that's good to :P Really looking forward to these :D


Dude, I like your style- ! I actually had plans that after we've created most of the common classes, we'll create a second set of classes which are mixtures of 2 different classes. So that Dark Magic Archer, or Angelic Swordsman are totally gonna happen in the future :)