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ALRIGHT! It was one hell of a month. We pumped out 17 videos in one month this time lol. Took a bite out of my sleep schedule to do it, but I'm really happy we essentially finished everything I wanted to cover for Animation- Kinect Mocap tutorials are now in bound and I'm working on planning those out -!

ALSO!!! I believe we solved our Export problem. A fantastic dude on YouTube sent a solution to me, and so far It has worked very well :) Which means we're in business, and as soon as I apply it to my rig, I'll be sure to teach it to you all next tutorial!

We have a lot of new faces here in the Squad too, so please welcome the names you see up on the screen. Welcome to the team- ! Glad to have you here :) I'll be uploading next month's plan in the following days -

In the meanwhile, thank you so much everyone for being here. Can't wait to show you what what we're planning to do next!




Hey cool! Kristin is here (I think) because I posted TRS in my class discussions! Word of mouth works, folks! Share everywhere.