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I still can't believe it, but I'm excited to share that we have officially reached the Motion Capture patreon goal :) A huge thanks to everyone here who helped make it happen. There are no words to describe how incredible it is to have such amazing support, thank you -

With the reaching of this goal. I'll begin to plan on how to inject the motion capture series into the Animation series we are currently on. That being said, I wanted to run one last thing by you guys before we get started.

Once we decide which motion capture software/hardware we are going to to use, there really is no going back after we merge it with the rig. All motion capture software names the bones in the skeleton differently, and have different number of bones. So, it's important that we pick a motion capture that we REALLY want to stick with long term.

Originally I was gonna try the Kinnect because at the time it seemed to be one of the easiest to set up and fairly popular. However, I'm not particularly married to it, and if you guys have a preference or would rather use a different motion capture. I'm all ears as to any recommendations that you think might be better. Please pick one of the options below, to let me know what your priorities are with the motion capture software you hope to see tutorials for - 



also, is that $50-$200 monthly, annually, or one time? Personally, I do not consider $200 one time or even annually to be "expensive". Think about it. Once you have the software you will be using it for everything and for years. I was expecting the costs to be 10 times that.


I for one see time as the greatest value. The thing is that I need the best results/ return on my investments... So if paying $200USD now saves me hours/mocap, I'll gladly pay for the mocap hardware and software!


I've used a few different mocap software before, so I am totally on board with you about the quality and time you save not needing to clean up being worth the investment. 50-200 is a 1 time thing. I generally stick away from software you can't "own". While, I definitely think in the long term it's worth investing in a solid 2-5 grand on amazing mocap, I'd like to try pick something the average hobbyist can afford in case they want to make their own animations for their projects. I'll let you guys know as soon as I know -