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So, I've already started to blueprint the animations for basic weapon holding positions. I think I have a pretty solid idea what the main weapons I want to add to the game are. But, I'd like to know which ones the Squad prefers the most. We're working on the clock, so I won't have time to perfect everything, but at a minimum I hope to at least make sure our favorite weapon animations look the smoothest, and clean.

What are your favorite weapons classes, or weapons you hope to see make it into the final cut of Macrophage?? Feel free to leave a comment if you don't see your favorite weapon class. This by the way is not a list of all the weapons that will be in the game. It's a way for me to get an idea of what the final list should look like - 




I voted for the mine. To be honest it is not my favorite type but in games I always find it very entertaining when I put mines everywhere in front of me and see the enemies exploding when they go through them. Could be interesting as a sub weapon. And i voted for the sniper too.


Honestly, my favourite weapon that I would choose over any other is the glaive or spear. Something of that nature.