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Happy summer solstice! 

I'm a few hours late, I know; I just got back home from the Masquerade where I took my sibling to see Penelope Scott. It was a great show! Seeing concerts is always so inspiring to me and makes me daydream of another life on stage.

For now, the rocks and the water are my stage. Here we are once again at the Edge of the World, one of my now most frequently used locations, but somehow still versatile and ever changing. This spot here that I am curled up into may be one of my favorite spots at the park; it's just such a natural beauty with such unique shape. I've modeled here a few times as well as shot a few people in this spot. 

Over on the $25 tier I'll be posting my most recent photography session here photographing model Petra Morrigan Stoker. There is a gorgeous shot of her at this exact spot! It's up on photography IG if you want a little sneak peak.

Photography by Lauren Erwin
Georgia 2020



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