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Happy holidays, everyone.

I apologize for my mass absence here this month. If you have followed me on other social media platforms, you probably know that I had COVID at the beginning of this month. I came into December strong with plans that mostly got wrecked, but I am almost thankful; around the 5th, I fell severely ill for about 48 hours. Afterwards, I was pretty fine, but remained in quarantine the full 10 days after receiving a positive test result.

Due to that, I was out of commission for a bit, and decided to take it as a sign to rest easy for the remainder of the days. I did so and I think that did really help my recovery, along with my vitamin D supplements! I am so glad that my experience with the disease was mild. 

After my quarantine, work and the holidays hit hard, but they've been pleasant.

I hope yours have been too.

Thanks for staying around.

I'm looking forward to an amazing 2021 with you.

Photography by Nicolasphco
Atlanta, Georgia 2020



Paul J. Colombo

I am happy your feeling better, I hope 2021 is a better year for everyone.