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How's this for a sneak peak!?

Last week I attended a photoshoot in Clay, Alabama where we shot in lingerie at a carnival the day before it was to open. Yes, of course, we had permission and the photographer in charge had spoken to the owners prior. However, people driving by complained and some even recorded us, resulting in the mayor calling the owner and telling us to shut it down. The next day, there was an article written, and it boomed from there.

If you haven't seen it yourself yet, I'll write more later on when I share more of the photos on a higher tier. But it was a wild ride! And I hope Annaka got some good publicity out of it.

Right as I walked out of the carnival, I turned and told a girl that there would be an article about this later. Damn if I wasn't spot on, ha!

What do you think? I had such a great time and only wish we got to do more before it all ended. Maybe next time we can crash Atlanta where our lingerie will be more welcomed!


Annaka Rochelle Photography
Clay, Alabama 2020
