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June - Haven's Port Focus Poll

  • Fleet Admiral 9
  • Brothel Manager 9
  • Merchant Princess 9
  • Arena Champion 4
  • 2023-06-05
  • —2023-06-11
  • 31 votes
{'title': "June - Haven's Port Focus Poll", 'choices': [{'text': 'Fleet Admiral', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Brothel Manager', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Merchant Princess', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Arena Champion', 'votes': 4}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 6, 11, 13, 44, 48, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 6, 5, 7, 57, 44, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 31}


Okay...so we're getting down to the final few builds. Two at least, three at most, before Haven's Port officially wraps up! That means there isn't a lot of content to choose from...but the choice is still yours! The only things that will for sure be in this build are the remaining Dates for Rose Garden and a set of Dates of Lexie on The Isle of Jerta. That's no more than seven total scenes, max. The rest of the build will be me working on scenes for Endgame material. I should be able to get at least two of them into the build. Possibly more. I will work on them in the order of popularity! 

Endgame Content:

The one major thing left to do in Haven's Port is something I said I'd do from the very start. Namely, the ability to become a leader/major player on the Haven Isles! These aren't true 'Endings' since the game is free-roam. But they will each contain an epilogue of sorts that gives a long-view of how things would go from there if you become this or that. Here are the planned things you can become:


Fleet Admiral

Rise in rank with the Fleet Faction to become a Fleet Admiral. With multiple captains working under you, you lead the daring strikes against Imperial Shipping. In the process, you get to set the rules for your ships...and perhaps build a relationship with your second in command! What sort of punishments do your crew experience. What sort of rewards? And just what will you do with Captain Temlin now that you're her boss...

Brothel Manager

The Mistress of Acolytes and Brothel Mistress have been struggling to manage all the aspects of the Rose Brothel for some time. The Order of the Rose would like to put someone in charge of managing the Premium Rose girls. Both training them and  recruiting more! 

Merchant Princess

Invest in the various businesses around the Haven Isles. The owners of those businesses will surely owe you fun favors...and you might even get some unique outfits and unlocks for being an investor! 

Arena Champion

You've come far from your helpless origins...dare you reach for the crown? If you can dethrone Louie from the Arena, you wonder what it will mean for you? He does seem to have quite a few fangirls (and a few fanboys!) hanging around him all the time...


Note: There are two other 'endings' I'm considering. Both of which designed for a more submissive character ending. I'm still figuring out if I can actually make them work in such an open game like this one, though. So they aren't currently up for consideration. 


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