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Alright! Since I released Build 9 for my $5+ Patrons yesterday, that means it's time for Build 8 to go public as well! Build 8 was something of an unusual one, so it might be worth actually reading the ramble that follows...

After Build 7, I noted that my choice to expand the Threesome content into full, independent routes (which wasn't really the original intention) had caused some things to stop making sense. If you went the Revina/Trix threesome route, for example, it generated a MC that should be submissive. But pretty much all the SOLO content for Revina and Trix was for a dominant MC. So you ended up with a character that had a ton of Dominance...who got into a threesome relationship as a submissive. And the other threesome route had a similar issue, though not quite as bad. 

I ran a patron-only vote with a few possible solutions. And my Patrons...choose the most complicated option T-T. Ah well, it's not like I wasn't willing to do it, or I wouldn't have offered it up as a choice. Regardless, that choice was for me to spend a couple of builds splitting my time between advancing the game and adding some alternate scenes and new opportunities to the early game. Essentially some significant overhauls to early content in order to give more chances to earn Dom/Sub points. As well as provide some outright alternate scenes in a couple of places.

The negative effect of this, is that Old Saves are Extremely unlikely to work properly. Seriously, a side-effect of the voting for me to do early game overhauls/modifications/additions means that too much data changed in the early game. You might be able to get some of the content (like Arianna's 4th Week 4 scene) to work on an old save. But I'd highly recommend simply starting a new game. It sucks, I know, but in this case there was just nothing I could do about it. The changes were simply too comprehensive.

That said. There's quite a lot in this build. The core content consists of 8 entirely new scenes. Five of those are Week 4 scenes, the other three are embedded in the routes to add extra places for Dom or Sub points. On that topic, I called that all 'core content,' because I made several other small additions with the same goal. There are now some new places where there additional Dom/Sub points available, with a few of them having a new render or three based on what you do.

The Dom/Sub system isn't entirely fixed with this. The just-released Build 9 adds some another three early-game scenes which I think wrap up the majority of the needed changes. But even with those, I might end up doing some further tweaks in the future. Note that the changes also make it somewhat harder to achieve certain routes. If you go too far down the Threesome Route for Rev/Trix, you'll no longer have access to Trix's solo route, for example. It flat out didn't make sense for you to have access to both, since their content is sort of diametrically opposed.

Enough rambling! You can check the release notes for at least a bit more detail on what is in the build. For now...links! 

Note: As of Build 8 I've also switched entirely to a webp/webm compression, to keep build sizes reasonable. Animations were already webm from the start. So it's really just the still renders that went from png to webp. The quality difference is EXTREMELY minor in my opinion, and it cut the game from 4gb+ to just over 1gb. 














Build 8 Release Notes


Build 8 consists of eight new full scenes, plus a number of minor additions scattered throughout the game. A total of ten new animations were added within the eight new primary scenes. The general breakdown is as follows:

- Arianna's solo route got it's 4th and final weekday scene for Week 4

- Trix's solo route got all four of it's weekday scenes for Week 4

- A major extension was added to Arianna's Week 1 event, effectively a whole additional scene.

- The Talia/Arianna route gained a trigger for an additional animated Talia scene.

- Trix's Route gained an alternate scene in Week 3, if you don't have Trix's Chastity Belt Key.

- In a variety of places, extra choices/renders were added to increase the number of Dom/Sub points available.

- Additional Dom/Sub points were added to scenes that should have had them but didn't.

- Some route requirements were changed to make certain routes mutually exclusive.

- Gallery Overhauls to add a Page 2 to galleries that need it...as well as finally making it so you don't get kicked directly back to the main menu instead of the Gallery when trying to navigate the Gallery page. Note: Some of the new 'extra' scenes are out of order at the moment. I ran out of time/energy. It will take several hours of effort to put them where in the Gallery they should be, so I put that off for a future build.

-Typo and Bug fixes. Credits updated.



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