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Time for a progress report! Overall, things are going reasonably well, so I'll just jump right in. 

Left Hand Magic

This is going as well as I expected, honestly. I've finished all rendering for Talia's four scenes, meaning that we're currently sitting at a total of 7 with their renders done. I also have the first animation for one of Revina's scenes done as well, so it's more like 7.5, actually. On that note, 'as well as I expected,' translates in this case to believing I will likely fall one scene short on Revina's Route. 

Honestly, shooting for 11 scenes was always a big ask, even without having lost two days at the start of the month. So I sort of half expected from the start that I might end up falling a scene or two short. The fact that I'm only expecting to come up a single scene short is honestly enough for me to be happy with how things went this month. Assuming, of course, nothing goes wrong at the last minute. Ten scenes, with twelve new animations, is honestly a really solid build. 

Mixed Media Short

Renders are almost done. I need two more. But that's basically just a single day. So the rendering side should be done by this time tomorrow morning. A day later than I've been shooting for each month...but that's purely because I ran a follow up poll this time. So I was completely expecting it and it shouldn't effect anything. 

I'm also pretty how happy with how it's working out. It's a little bit of a different approach, compared to the other MMS stories. Slightly different stylistically and set up to be a bit more involved story wise. A little bit less immediate gratification, exchanged for what should be a better/more developed story if it gets a chance to be developed properly. I like it, as I think it will play to my storytelling strengths more than just finding XYZ new way to show kinky sex. A lot of the MMS stories were starting to become a bit...formulaic. I think this will be a slight break from that. Hopefully an enjoyable one. 

Short Story

I decided on a new story for the second short of the month. I considered doing An App for That, since it came in a pretty close second in the poll. But I honestly wasn't feeling particularly inspired by it...and the second short isn't mandated by the poll explicitly so I can write at least a bit of whatever catches my personal attention each month. In this case, the only existing story that was really calling strongly to me was The Starship Promise, which won the poll anyway. 

This time, the new story is actually an idea that's been kicking around in the back of my brain for literally years at this point. I just never seemed to get the concept quite right enough for it to win out when I sat down to write something. It's working out reasonably well now that I'm finally giving the idea a short, though. It isn't like some glorious epic or anything. It's actually pretty simple idea, comparatively. There were just a few issues with it that I'd never worked out properly, previously. 

Anyway. I have 2,500 words down already and will be sitting down for a writing session on it right after this post. I think it's going to end up on the shorter side, likely around 4,000-4,500 words. So not super short. Just a touch. If my guess is right on that front, there's a good chance I'll finish up the rough draft tonight. In which case I'll hopefully post it either Sunday or Monday. 



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