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Alright! Very much past time I did a Progress Report. Let's dive right in!

Left Hand Magic

So, I mentioned in the poll results more or less how this is going. So far, I have three additional scenes for the early game done, along with the first two days of Talia's Week 4 route.  I'm working on Day 3 now, with some hope that I'll get the first animation for that scene rendering before I crash. That's not bad progress, overall. Though did hit a bit of a slowdown on Talia's stuff. The submarine that you can see in them aboard in the images is a cool asset...that for some horrible reason is really time intensive to render. That has cost me roughly an extra day to day and a half beyond what I'd hoped so far originally. 

The goal, as I also mentioned in the poll results post, is to catch Talia and Revina's Routes fully up to Arianna, Trix, and the Threesome Routes. Essentially finishing out the Weekday content for Week 4. Minus possibly a new masturbation scene option or two. Whether or not I manage that is still a bit uncertain. That would make a total of something like 14 total animations, for 11 scenes. Which is a bit of a stretch for even a longer month like May. I'm fairly confident I'll get at least through Talia's four scenes. It's more a matter of how far along I'll be able to get in Revina's Route. 

Theoretically, it's possible to get it all done. But that's only if not a lot goes wrong. The more issues I run into, the less likely I'll manage the full set I'd like (obviously). So far I've only run into one major slowdown, costing about a day/day and a half. Not enough to derail things much. But, if that happens a couple more times...well... we'll see. This time of month, usually the best I can do is give you estimates :-).

Short Story

I've already released the first one for the month. I have yet to settle on which story to do for the second. I'll probably figure that out later today and try and get at least an outline done. I'd like to have it out by the 20th or so. I've been trying to focus on getting all non-game rewards out by the 22-24th of a given month, in order to be able to fully focus on the game writing/programming/testing during the last week or so of any particular month.

Mixed Media Short

This, I've now officially gotten a solid running start on. I managed to get the first six renders for the new Virtual Trap story done over this weekend. I put quite a bit of focus into that, since I'm playing catch up a bit due to the follow-up poll I ran. Thankfully, so far, that catch up has been going well. Which hopefully means this reward will release right about the time I've been doing so recently (22-24th of the month). 


I'm planning to get the post processing and typesetting on these done before I crash. Hopefully, that means it will be up either later tonight or tomorrow morning. 



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