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So, just a quick note before I get to the poll results. The first short story of the month is done. But I wanted to get the Poll Results up first. I'll likely post the short story tomorrow. For now...poll results!

Short Story Poll

So...quick apology. I once again forgot to allow multiple-option voting for this poll. By the time I'd realized it, a full day had passed and a lot of people already had their votes in. So I couldn't really do anything about it. Sorry! I'll try to be better about remembering that they changed the system so it doesn't Default to that option anymore >_<. Honestly, the only thing it really prevented people from doing was dividing their votes to multiple stories. Which...does sort of explain the near-landslide one of options got both before and after vote weighing. Ultimately, given that near-landslide, it probably didn't actually alter the winner any though. That said, here are the results after vote-weighing:


Eros Academy - Aria's Second Visit: 130

Andrea of the   Silver Key: 70

An App for That: 55

Alyia and the   Magic Shop: 46

Lilith's Story: 40



Apparently you guys really liked the revisit to Eros Academy, huh? Or you really like the Drone thing. Possibly both? Whatever it was the fueled the victory, Eros Academy - Aria's Second Visit outperformed the next two stories combined. Obvious winner is obvious...so we'll be getting another entry of Eros Academy this month!

Haven's Port Focus Poll

This one was even more of an utter landslide than the Short Story poll. With 85% of the vote, Rose Garden will be getting the rest of it's content. Or as near to that as I can manage. I can't say that I'm at all displeased about that. I think it will end up being a better build done this way, as well as being a bit easier on me since it means I get to mix a decent number of 'general' scenes in with the longer/more complex Patron Spirit quest lines. 

On that note, I'll mention real quick that I think I'll be finishing up with the second Patron Spirit for the Build (the final one for Rose Garden), tonight. Another 1-3 days for the remaining Jerta Island Patron Spirit, then I'll be able to shift over to working on the remaining Rose Garden content. So far, everything is pretty much on target. I did lose a day (or rather took a day off for various reasons) for Easter. But that didn't really impact progress much.

Mixed Media Short

I honestly wasn't sure which way this would go, now that Cyberworld has finished. And it did seesaw for a bit. The result finally landed on another entry for Xanadu Emporium (the Silas Station Series continuation). That one is honestly the easiest for me, so I'm hardly going to protest! I'll hammer my outline for what I need, asset wise, tonight and start rendering for it tomorrow. That's getting a slightly late start on it this month, but not enough to be worried about it.


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