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Whoops! Meant to get this up yesterday! Sorry for letting a bit too long go between progress reports! Thankfully, I largely have good news to report this time. Also for you information, I'm planning to put up the next Left Hand Magic secondary kink poll sometime within the next couple of days, so keep an eye out for it! I think it will likely be Talia's poll, but I haven't 100% decided on that yet. Now, progress report stuff! 

Haven's Port

This is going pretty well! I currently have 7 scenes completed, with an eighth in progress, so I'm pretty close to on track despite a couple of minor delays and setbacks here and there. Four of those scenes, as you might have guessed from the images, are Centaur scenes. I didn't want to post the one of those I had previously, as it would have been the least representative of the idea here. That one was a sort of repeat of the Centaur->Human MC type of scene I've already put in once. But the majority of the Centaur scenes are, as you can see, actually more about being transformed into a Centaur and having fun!

As you should be able to gather from the images, there will be options to transform into either a Female Centaur or a Futa Centaur, with differing scenes for each. Currently, there are 2 scenes for a Futa Centaur, one for a Female Centaur, and the final one is the human MC scene. I'm expecting to add at least one more, likely a Futa Centaur->Female MC Centaur scene. But, for the moment, I've moved on to another area to get the basics established there.

For clarity, this build is going to have a lot of general scenes, adding a minimum of 4 scenes each to each of the 4 main locations on Jerta. The main village/beach type area, the Centaur Herd, the Pixie Grove, and the Orcish Camp. I'm actually hoping for 5 in each area, though that might not happen. Regardless, since I've chosen to introduce all of them at once, there won't be a massive amount of content in any one location. The plan is to introduce their general content this time, then their faction/story content the next time Jerta is updated. The faction/story content is intended to add 3-4 longer scenes to the Centaur, Orc, and Pixie areas, as a sort of quest chain for each one. With each quest chain terminating in a similar point that will provide access to another Fleet Faction upgrade. But...that's all still a bit in the future ;-).


This is also going fairly well. I've got 12 renders already done, with another 2 expected to be done before I crash tomorrow morning. That actually puts me a bit ahead of schedule on the renders, at least!

Short Story

I'm intending to start on Alyia's Magic Shop (Part 2), tonight. I'm hoping to get 3-4k words done on it this weekend, with the intention of wrapping it up and posting it sometime earlyish next week. We'll see if my muse cooperates with that idea or now ;-). If I do manage to stick to that schedule, then there's a solid chance of my plan to do three shorts this month being possible. So, yay! Hopefully!


...I'm procrastinating this again T-T. I'll try to make myself do the post work on them this weekend. 



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