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Those three scenes are all I have so far. I'd hoped to get a fourth done over the weekend. Unfortunately, I rst...

Short Story Poll

Well, this one certainly surprised me! As in, the results were very much completely scrambled from their usual mix, not just an unexpected winner. Part of that might be because there was a surprisingly low turnout of votes this time, including a few of the Royalty Tier patrons that virtually always vote abstaining this time. There were also a headache inducing number of people that split their votes this time. Well, whatever the causes, here are the results:


Winner - Alyia and the Magic Shop - 60.84

The Naughty Aunt's Notebook - 34.17

Mass Effect: Final Error: 31.67

An App for that: 30 (technically like 30.097 due to a lot of partial votes)

Andrea of the Silver Key: 20

The Long Haul: 16.67

Lyriel's Adventures: 10


So, Alyia and the magic shop WILL be updated this month. As for the third story, if I manage it, I'm thinking it will either be Mass Effect: Final Error or The Naughty Aunt's Notebook. But I'm not going to guarantee that. The non-poll stories tend to be subject to whatever I feel most inspired to write when I manage to squeeze the writing in.

Comic/MMS Poll

A lot less surprise here! I figured (and hoped) that either Silas Station or A Bet Maid would win. I'm actually pretty happy it was Silas Station this time, as I already have a solid plan for the next Silas Station: Consequences entry. Past that my planning is a little more nebulous, but this one at least I've got a solid outline for already.


Winner: Silas Station: Consequences - 57%

A Bet Maid -29%

Starworld -14%

Cyberworld - 0%



Progress Report!


Alright, now on with the progress report. Obviously, as the poll just finished up, I haven't gotten anything done with the Short Stories or Comic/MMS yet. So...

Haven's Port

I've made decent progress here, if slightly less than I'd hoped. This time, in the images, you can see the 'fun' area of the beach I teased was just to the right of what you could see from the main Jerta landing area ;-). That little fun area already has two scenes and may get up to two more in the update. For the moment though, I've moved on to working on the first few scenes from the Centaur area. I only teased that area this time, as I've only got one scene completed from it and it's not the one I consider best shown as a representative of the area. Honestly, it would be the least accurate overall representation of the area, hence not showing it for now. 

Those three scenes are all I have so far. I'd hoped to get an extra done over the weekend. Unfortunately, I spent less time than I thought I would on renders (my own fault this time, rather than external pressures. I may or may not have gotten sucked unexpectedly into a good book...) than expected. I still hit all my goals for the weekend of course, I just didn't get ahead like I often try to on weekends. The fact that it took longer to get the Centaur Herd area sorted out than expected also didn't help. I actually ended up having to track down another asset. I was genuinely surprised that I didn't have a 'grasslands' style asset already. 


I'm procrastinating the typesetting again. I'm sure you are all shocked and dismayed by this totally unexpected development -_-. 



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