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With last night's release of Build 8 for $5+ patrons, it's time for another public release! There are a few things to know about this build, before I get to the links. First, for the edification of my non-patron followers, there were some problems with Build 7 that effected both the size of said Build, a well as the size of Build 8. Specifically, the heavily modded copy of Skyrim I was using become radically unstable. I worked around it for Build 7 and rebuilt it entirely for Build 8. But it does mean that both builds were a touch smaller than usual.

Thankfully, while I was forced to put aside the planned content (advancing the Thieves Guild story) as a result, I will still able to get a full 15 scene build together. Moreover, that relatively low scene count is actually a bit misleading. Knowing I wasn't going to be able to add anything to the Story/Plot (such as it is), I decided to shoot for higher complexity in the scenes I could make. This means that 14 out of the 15 scenes actually have at least 2 movie clips instead of one, adding a higher degree of 'animation' to the scenes. In fact, one of them actually has four videos, which may be a record. Of course, in order to not make the scenes drag on forever, I did my best to adjust the clip lengths to compensate for the greater number of them. Though on average, the scenes are likely 10-15 seconds longer than usual, as far as the 'animated' portions go. I also managed to get a good mix of Futa/Non-Futa content, I think. Anyway, enough rambling. For a better idea what was added, check the release notes! For now...links!

Online Release: http://novusadventures.com/ChastityQuestBuild7/

*Note* Initial load time is typically a couple of minutes even for a fast connection, during which you'll see a blank black screen. Started to look into a way to add a splash screen to indicate loading...then everything for the Build went to hell and I had to prioritize other stuff  -_-.













Workaround Build:  Note, this version is for those that can't get other versions to work for one reason or another. It is, essentially, just the browser version from the Web Build, made downloadable. It is confirmed to work on Windows, Mac, and Linux...but it requires you to disable the CORS security feature of your browser. Do so only at your own risk! 

Google Docs

Build 7 Release Notes:

This build focuses on filling in bits of content at the currently existing locations. New scenes have been added for the Thieves Guild, Mage's Guild, and Brothel.

Thieves Guild Scenes: 

- Iris' Potion game has new scenes! Including both Futa support and a new transformation entirely...
- Rodger the Finger now has his own scenes!
- Lysa has a reward for you after you help Elizabeth...assuming you meet the conditions first!

Mage's Guild Scenes:

- Once you reach a certain level of Magic Skill, you can now research a second useful spell, unlocking a few scenes in the process!


- Once you hit a certain level of Rouge Skills you can now help Roslyn out with a certain problem...assuming you've discovered she has said problem!


- Credits menu updated

- A few bugs fixed and typos corrected

- Chose not to update the modwatch list this time, due to the nature of the issue I had this month causing me to actually remove a lot of mods, rather than add new ones.



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