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Alright, technically I released Build 5 for testing yesterday, though I'm still fighting with a couple of the upload sites to get all the versions up. Either way, that means it's time for Build 4 to leave testing and release to the public. Build 4 focused on adding Quests to the New Landing Mage's Guild, as well as adding the Pony Express Courier Service. In total, it added 17 new sex scenes, including two that are by far the longest/most involved scenes in the game now (even counting Build 5 content!). You can, of course, get more full details in the Release Notes below.

Web Version(High Speed Internet Required): 

Address:  http://novusadventures.com/ChastityQuest4/CQB4Extl6520/  

Note: Even with a high-speed connection, you'll see a blank, black screen for about 1-3 minutes while the game initializes all of it's many MANY variables. I haven't figured out how to add a splash screen to make that obvious...

Downloadable Versions:









Workaround Version: Note, this version is for those that can't get other versions to work for one reason or another. It is, essentially, just the browser version from the Web Build, made downloadable. It is confirmed to work on Windows, Mac, and Linux...but it requires you to disable the CORS security feature of your browser. Do so only at your own risk!

Google Drive


Chastity Quest Build 4 Release Notes:

Build 4 introduces a lot of new content. It focuses on three major areas. First, is the new Pony Express Courier Service. Second is the first 3 events/quests for the Mage Guild Route through New Landing. Third is quite a bit of content for Tylan, the Chapter Mistress of the New Landing Mage's Guild! The total new scene count for the build is 17 new sex scenes, with about half of those being much larger than usual scenes.

The Pony Express Courier Service:  The Pony Express business is owned by a new Major Character, Ryka. She...actually kinda took an unexpected but enjoyable turn when I was writing her! She, of course, has her own chats...though sadly no sex scenes with her just yet! What the shop DOES contain, adult content wise, is: 

-  Courier Job: 4 new scenes (two in chastity gear, two not), with some random chance involved as to the outcome... (Job has a non-sex variant that IS NOT included in the scene count)

- Adverting Job: 2 new scenes (unbelted scenes, both, though later on a belted version will be added). Again with a random chance on which you get :-p.

The Mage's Guild Quests: There are are ultimately going to be three ways to get through New Landing and onto the next major came location. This build properly introduces the first such 'route.' While not yet complete, the first three Quests/Events of this route are now in the game. Each one is LARGE, far larger content-wise, than anything else in the game so far. Included are:

- 4 New Scenes for the first quest/event. 3 normal sized scenes and 1 large one. 

- 1 EXTREMELY LARGE scene, the single largest anywhere in the game, for the second quest/event. 

- 1 Large (but not EXTREMELY LARGE) and quite varied scene for the third quest/event.

Chapter Mistress Tylan: The last 'major' content area of this build is to flesh out one of the Major Characters, which is something that hadn't happened yet for any of the New Landing NPCs. In this case, Chapter Mistress Tylan has received quite a bit of new content, including:

- 2 Repeatable Sex Scenes between just Kiralia and her.

- 3 Repeatable Threesome Scenes with a character from the First Mage Guild Quest. Full disclosure, only 2 of those are considered Unquie Scenes, as the third is basically a repeat one what happens during the quest itself.

- New Chat revealing some interesting (I hope) bits of Tylan's past. This isn't automatic...you have to find a hint by playing her scenes, before it will show up!


- A new Kira-is-futa-variant scene for the Practical Mage instructor. This got forgotten in the last build! Oops!

- Various typo fixes. 

- Probably something else I'm forgetting since I'm totally exhausted.

- The Credits Menu has been updated. Both adding a page for New Landing, and adding some new $10 patrons. 

Known Issues:

- The first video (oral) for the Unbelted Pony Express Delivery (Female Variant) is trash. It's stuttering and has a ton of issues. This, unfortunately, was not caught until testing. It will need replacing in the future. Thankfully, the second vid for that scene was mostly unaffected. 

- Entering the Dawn's Rose content with Max Lust can, apparently, trigger the Lust Effect content, resulting in you not actually going to the Dawn's Rose...not sure what's going on there. Having trouble duplicating this...but it's been reported to me. Will poke at it some more.

- Some minor issues with the credits menu screen. I did kinda a hack rush-job on it this time due to a mistake with not saving changes to the photoshop template. Will need to fix this in the future. 




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