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Important! Save Compatibility!: As with Build 4, in order to use a Build 4 saves for Build 5, VISIT KIRALIA'S BEDROOM in New Landing.  There you will find a new option (Update Variables to Build 5). Use this option ONCE for any individual save that you want to use. This will update your game to provide all the new data needed for build 4. Don't use the button again after that! I won't be responsible for someone screwing up their quests and such by using it more than once. A warning that is repeated in game. I also won't be responsible for anyone trying to use old saves without following that instruction :-p. Note, you should not need to use this at all, if you use a save from before the Dawn's Rose content or you start a New Game! This should also be the last time this is required, as I implemented the start of a system that will allow future builds to do this automatically. 

*Saves for the game are located in the main game directory for downloadable version. For web version...it's buried in app data and different for every OS/Browswer combination, I'm afraid.

Alright, with that out of the way....UGH. The testing was almost as bad as I feared. And, as always seems to be the case with this engine, I underestimated how much it's bullshit slows down the grammar/editing pass too. Hence why this is out this morning, instead of last night. And, even as it is, I'm utterly wiped out at the moment, so I'm doing the absolute minimum at the moment to get the game out there in some fashion. I'll come back later today and add additional download options (and the mac version), as well as write up the usual posts for the various places I announce new builds. As it is, I'm literally fighting off blurry vision and I have no idea how coherent I am...

ANYWAY, this build actually totaled 21 scenes (I miscounted before, apparently), which if officially the largest number I've added in one go since Build 1 (which was a multi-month build). About half of those scenes are tied into the new mini-game (which was pure hell to make and I never want to do it again T-T), and are thus pretty short. Even so, this may actually be the largest overall Build since Build 1 in more than just scene count. That being said...effectively all of the content in tied to the new Thieves Guild area. That wasn't quite the original plan, but the time the mini-game soaked up required me to restrict the build to just that area...though I actually added additional scenes to make up for that. In addition to the new mini-game, the first Quest for the Thieves Guild is also done and playable...with three separate routes through it! See the release notes for more details. 

NOTE: The mini-game has been...sort of tested. There are such a huge number of possible combinations that I couldn't realistically test all of them. I fully expect people to run into a few I missed. PLEASE REPORT them if you do. Seriously. I spent a god-awful amount of time on this thing, I'd like to get it all nice and shiny!

Web Version (High-Speed Internet Recommended): 

Address: http://novusadventures.com/ChastityQuest5/

Username: Patron5

Password: RoguesDoItFromBehind

*Note* Initial load time is typically a couple of minutes even for a fast connection, during which you'll see a blank black screen. Forgot to look into the possibility of a splash screen for that -_-. 

Windows Downloads:




Mac Downloads:



 Workaround Version: Note, this version is for those that can't get other versions to work for one reason or another. It is, essentially, just the browser version from the Web Build, made downloadable. It is confirmed to work on Windows, Mac, and Linux...but it requires you to disable the CORS security feature of your browser. Do so only at your own risk! 

Google Drive

Release Notes for Build 5

Build 5 contains 21 news scenes, covering a large amount of Thief Guild related content. Including both a fairly involved mini-game and the first Quest in the Rogue Path through the New Landing Content.

The Thieves Guild General Content: Introducing two new Major characters and two new Minor Characters, you can now visit and join the Thieves Guild of New Landing. Rolf the Guildmaster can help you with your chastity belt(for various return 'favors'), as well as having his own chats. And his Assistant Lysa, in addition to her own Chats, can introduce you to a newly-popular form of training at this thieves guild...

The Escape Game: As a free means to learn some Rogue Skills, you can participate in the Escape Game, where Lysa will bind you into one of two bondage gear sets (your choice, differing difficulties) and you must escape by whatever means necessary. You can pick locks, struggle...or get help from your fellow thieves! Though the thieves are likely to demand something in exchange! The game should have variants for all possible combinations of either outfit that you could end up in! Including a couple of major variants where the scene changes completely depending on what parts you have and haven't escaped from...

The Thief Guild Quest Chain: While only the first quest in this chain is finished...there are three separate paths through it! Seriously, I think this has the most unique content of any of quest so far. I'm fairly proud of it. (Hint: It will only trigger once you hit a certain level of Rogue Skills).

Other Stuff:

- The credits menu has been fixed, including making the links work properly in the web version. I think I may have forgotten to update the modwatch list though...oops?

- Various typos and bugs from previous versions fixed. Special thanks to SaloJ for reporting several typos and other issues! Thanks!




First off, cool new updates, Became a Patron few days ago to get the 2 new versions (4 and 5), not sure if i'll stay(depends on financial situation). First of the bat Found a Bug! Or a missed scene as you put it :) When in Petsuit on the easy escape training and you try to pick the lock, the text for not being able to comes up and the game crashes : "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'uid' of undefinded" "File: Mail_123.js@21110:59" Will post more later if i find new bugs and maybe my thoughts. Keep up the good work


Welcome! And yeah, I totally get the financial situation thing, particularly these days. As for the bug...doh! I can't even blame this one on a missed combination, actually -_-. It's a pure code error on my part. Thanks for reporting it! I've fixed it and am in the process of reuploading the mega version. I will probably wait until late tonight/early tomorrow to reupload the web version, as it takes a god-awful horrible amount of time to do so. So if I get a bunch of other bug reports right out of the gate, I'd prefer to only have to do that once ^_^. Thanks for reporting it!

George Lever

On the easy game, when struggling out of the pet suit, it removes the corset instead and then doesn't remove the pet suit on further iterations of struggling, forcing you to beg for help.


Crap. Thanks, George. Found and fixed in the development copy. There's no way I'm going to reupload every version at this point, but in a couple of days, after any more reports trickle in, I'll see if I can release a quick patch file that will fix anything reported!