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Salutations! Welcome to the first Public release of my newest game: Chastity Quest - Chasing the Next Release! 

Update 6: All download links replaced with the Bugfix version. 

Update 5: See the new post, which contains a PATCH for a few major bugs, including the 'stuck' background bug. I will also be replacing the download files over the next several hours.

Update 4: FYI(deleted update 4, since it's not longer relevant!)

Update 3: For MAC users who are having problems with the game running, a helpful redditor ( Kinkystory , thank you!) has informed me that the issues happened for them if they ran the game from the /downloads folder, but worked if they moved the game to the  /Applications folder! If you're having trouble getting it to run on MAC, try this and it might fix the issue! 

Update 2: Someone asked about sound, since there are sound settings. Currently, sound is not implemented in the game. The current sounds settings are part of the default engine software, not sometihng I added. I do hope to add both music and sex-scene relevant sounds in the future. Please remember this is a SUPER early release from a solo developer, despite the amount of content in it!

Update 1: Some people are having trouble with the Mac version. It seems to be a read/write permission issue on the folder. Try setting the permissions for the folder and all files within to Read/Write instead of Read Only. Currently, this is the only possible solution I have for you, still seeking other options. Please still report details of any issues, as the more information I have the better I'll be able to track down the cause!

----A Few Words from the Developer: Feel Free to Skip----

As you should know if you've landed on my Patreon at all, this is an adult game :-). In particular, this one heavily features a niche fetish featured in very few games. Having said that, despite the name, don't think this is a single-focus game! Like all of my games, it contains (or will contain) a wide range of kinks and fetishes. Just in the first build alone, it features the obvious Chastity Play kink, but also features traditional BDSM, Dom/Sub, Milking/Lactation, Pony Play, Spanking (currently one scene only), and more. And despite the most apparent theme, there is a LOT of sex in the game. It's not a game all about how the protagonist never gets to climax, which may disappoint some people with that particular fetish (though, if you're one of them, never fear, there are scenes like that). I didn't think that would make a very fun adult game! As such, this game focuses mostly on the struggle to get free of the magic chastity belt involved and have some fun...or to have some fun despite it still being on!

The game is also large, both in download size and content! Despite this being a first release, it has more content in it than many outright finished games, so please give it a whirl even if you normally skip first releases :-p. Not all releases will be this size, I build this one to be big specifically to avoid that first-release frustration many players get! As for the download size...sorry about that! There's a lot of HD content and I'm still working on ways to minimize the size without impacting the quality! 


Game Description: As fourth age stretches on, adventurous souls push back the borders of the wildlands, delving ruins of long-forgotten kingdoms, seeking wealth and knowledge alike. And so it is that a new frontier has opened yet again, drawing many to it for adventure.... but whoever originally built the ruins near the adventurer's frontier town of Hope's Rest, must have been a kingdom of perverts! The ruins are well over 400 years old and no one seems to know from whence they came...but the female adventurers, at least, certainly know what sort of people once lived here. Many were driven away by their first encounter with a bondage trap or lust bomb...but not Kiralia.

Play as the young elf Kiralia as she deals with the consequences of a certain diabolical trap. Caught in the clutches of a magical chastity belt that seems to have a mind of its own, she must set out to find a way free of her predicament. Temporary solutions are plentiful...but the belt always comes back in the end. Help her adventure along as she seeks out permanent freedom! Determine what sort of person she'll become under its mischievous influence. Will she become submissive to the desires of the those around her? Or will she defy her seeming fate to become a dominant. And what sort of troubles will she find along the way...

Technical Details: The game uses a heavily modded copy of Skyrim for graphic assets (full mod list available on credits screen).


Build 1 Summary: Build one contains the ENTIRE first Hub area, the village of Hope's Rest.  This includes 55 unique sex scenes, some of which have a few minor variants as well! See release notes for more details. 



Mega(Bugfix Version)

Upload Haven(Bugfix Version)

Racaty(Bugfix Version) 


Mega(Bugfix Version) 

Upload Haven(Bugfix Version) 

Racaty(Bugfix Version) 


Mega(Bugfix Version)

Walkthrough: Attached to post! 

Chastity Quest Build 1 Release Notes:

This build is HUGE, containing the entirety of Hope's Rest. While Hope's Rest is the smallest of at least 5 planned 'Hub Areas,' it still contains a staggering amount of content for a first release. In a nutshell, this content includes:

- 5 'Major' NPCs : Major meaning they have their own chats, backstory, and a considerable amount of sex content based around them. 

- 1 Additional Named NPC: Chats and Backstory, minimal sex content. 

 - Numerous Minor NPCs 

- 5 Major Locations (plus the ruins, technically)

- 5 Jobs that can be performed around town at the various locations

- 55 unique sex scenes, many of them gated behind various requirements

Known Issues:

- Skip feature DISABLE. I've disabled the Skip feature in the game do to a bug with the current build of the engine. The bug is somewhat game-breaking and occurs most frequently when Skip is used. I and a number of other developers have reported the same problem, so hopefully it gets fixed soon!

- Random chance rolls not being as random as it should be. If this happens to you, leave the area of the game it is happening at (such at the magic shop), DO SOMETHING that passes time elsewhere, then return. Results should once again be random. This, unfortunately, is a problem with the engine, not my code, there is nothing I can do to fix it. 

- Some U.I. elements might not always be where they ought to. I THINK I have this fixed, but it was an issue up until just a couple of hours ago. It's minor issues like the Character Menu button not always appearing or disappearing as it should. Nothing game-breaking (I hope).

- Possibly additional unknown bugs! PLEASE REPORT THEM, seriously, PLEASE. 



Blue Cabaret

I really dislike the writing style here. It seems really odd that you stripped down all of the writing from the main character, to the point where it feels like all of the sex events are happening to a piece of toast. I think you kind of realized that the main character and her predicament is the driver of the plotline in such a way that she can't just be an off-screen blank slate. But, she's so empty that the events happening to her feel meaningless. The fact you don't give her dialogue basically fucks up the script in two ways. As stated above, it totally strips the main character of anything resembling a hook. But, the second thing it does is totally destroy any conversation system. A normal conversation will have a back and forth rythem to it, but that's just impossible with the way your wrote the protagonist. There is no chemistry or anything. I think the way you did dialogue contributes to this. It's all done in a novel style, with descriptions often breaking up lines like in prose. But, Visual Novels aren't prose. They are *visual*. You're able to put the action in the images, and let dialogue be free standing. The only times you need descriptions are when you want to put specific details in or for sex/action scenes as complimentary information. There's a reason why VN's normally look like a script. This is a big deal because it contributes to the sense of your conversations having no "flow" and because it creates a huge text barrier. Having a lot of text isn't bad, but the text needs "stuff". The more text that feels like time wasting there is, the worse. Also because it interrupts your charachters' speech in a way already harming the already non-exsitent flow. The overall effect was...despite all of the kinks and details being stuff I should like, I found this dreadfully dull. Duller then works that put a fraction of the effort into writing.


Getting an error on launch on the mac: Oops! An unexpected error has occurred. Uncaught Error: EROFS: read-only file system, open './/settings.vndata' File: fs.js@663:18 Stack trace: Error: EROFS: read-only file system, open './/settings.vndata' at Object.fs.openSync (fs.js:663:18) at Object.fs.writeFileSync (fs.js:1314:33)


One thing i think you should do about the night/sleeping is make it not auto sleep, so like you go to your room and sleep or gp to guild hall and sleep with seesha or how ever she let you sleep :)


Okay, I've had two reports of this error for Mac users. Unfortunately, I don't have a Mac, which is making this a bit of a nightmare to run down. The best I've been able to find out so far is that what is happening is that the files for the settings/saves/etc are somehow getting set to 'read-only.' Currently, the only POSSIBLE fix I have for you is to check the permissions for the folder (or specific files if you can find them). I have NO IDEA how to do that for Mac, so the following is purely a copy paste on the how-to from tech website: ---------------------- Step 1 Launch a new Finder window. You can do this quickly by clicking the blue "Finder" icon in the dock at the bottom of the screen. Click a disk, folder or file to highlight it. Step 2 Hold down the "Command" key and press "I" to open the Get Info window for the highlighted item. Step 3 Scroll down to "Sharing & Permissions" in the Get Info window. If you can't see a list of permissions below this section title, click the "Disclosure Triangle" beside the title to see the sharing and permissions. Step 4 Click the "Lock" icon in the window's bottom right corner if the lock is closed. Enter your password as prompted. The lock icon changes to the unlocked position, indicating that you can now make changes to the permissions. Step 5 Choose a user or group of users in the list, and click the "Read-Only" privilege beside it. Select "Read-Write" from the drop-down menu. Step 6 Click the "Lock" icon when you have finished changing permissions to prevent anyone from changing them again without the administrative password. --------------------- You...probably don' t need step 6? I haven't used a Mac in like 15 years, so... ANYWAY, if you can try that to change permission for all files within the folder (which is how it works on Windows), doing so MIGHT fix the issue. It certainly won't cause any harm, at the very least. I'm also going to be rebuilding the Mac download and seeing if that helps, but beyond that I'm not sure what else to do. I'll keep looking for a solution when I can, and put in a request for help with the engine developers... If you do try the above fix, PLEASE let me know if it works or not, so I can help other people that may have the problem!


I'm afraid that the auto sleep thing was a hard-learned lesson from one of my previous games :-p. Essentially what it is there for, from my standpoint, is to force-reset a bunch of things (like the time tracking variables) so they don't go haywire, keeping any bugs down to a minimum. It's possible, in the future, I might expand things to have options to sleep with others at night, or even night-time missions or quests. For now, it's set up the way it is to simplify the code for the game. :-)


Sound isn't working


Wow. Okay. So...this is actually the very first time anyone has complained about the writing in one of my games. Usually, it's the thing people are positive about! So that stings a bit :-p. The mere fact that you were so harsh on it is probably going to make me try and improve it, since I'm a writer first and foremost. However, I do think that there are two points you aren't fully processing. 1) You are incorrect about the blank-slate thing. Kiralia is actually SUPPOSED to be a blank slate that the user can project their thoughts about the character onto. It almost has to be that way, since I've designed the game from the ground up to allow the user to play it any way they choose. Kiralia can be dominant or submissive, actively into certain fetishes or actively trying to avoid them. That's up to the player to shape, not me, and it will stay that way. In many ways this game is more RPG than Visual Novel, and I mostly call it a Visual Novel because...it's made using a Visual Novel engine and most people would recognize the style as such. 2) Hope's Rest is the equivalent of a starting area/zone. It's there to give the players a feel for the mechanics more than anything else, while still being fun to play. It's the SMALLEST of 6 planned sub-areas, with the fewest major NPCs and variations in themes. The main quest of the game hasn't even really gotten started and the only character from Hope's Rest that will ever appear again in the game is Seesha (minor spoiler there, I suppose). Once the player reaches New Landing (the next area), the game is going to broaden somewhat, with multiple paths and sets of quests to choose from. It's therefore not exactly surprising that you find Kiralia a little bland, thus far. ------------------------ The one other thing I will also say is this: With this game I've been experimenting with format of scenes. In adult games, a lot of the 'personality' of each character actually comes out through the sex interactions. Are they shy? Bold? Dominant? Submissive? Sensual or rough? Etc. Etc. Unfortunately, the new format I tried out, that of using HD video clips instead of static images with descriptions of those sorts of things, has somewhat flopped with my patrons so far. I'm going to be running a feedback poll for the Public as well, and if that poll says the same thing my patron-only poll did, I will likely be making future content (as well as slowly replacing current content) in a more traditional VN style, with far more descriptive elements and additional dialogue in the sex-scene components. The lack of that, currently, may be feeding into your impression, if you were expecting and looking for the typical VN experience? At any rate, while I won't massively overhaul the game from any one person's criticisms, I've certainly heard you and, depending on what other feedback I get, there may be quite a bit of change in the future that will make it better for you :-). Thanks for the feedback! Seriously, even if it was negative (perhaps even more so because it's negative but detailed) hearing peoples impressions really helps!


That would be because there is no sound :-p. Not yet, at least! Sorry! Sound, both music for the game and sex-scene sounds, are something I hope to add in the future. I couldn't just use the existing sound-sets from the source material, because I did a heavy amount of video-editing, changing speeds, splicing multiple animations together, and cutting out sections of animation to shorten it to something the player wouldn't get bored with (the original animations are often very repetitive and last up to 3 minutes). As such, I need to find and purchase an adult-oriented sound library. I've got my eye on several...but there's a reason it's set as a Goal for the Patreon -_-. Suitable libraries are rare and oftentimes somewhat expensive....


I'm getting an "Application cannot be opened" error on mac.


First: If you haven't already, move the game to /Applications. The Visual Novel Maker engine apparently doesn't like being run from /downloads or similar. Second: If you've done that and it's still giving you an error, there is apparently a known issue with both RPG Maker and Visual Novel Maker on SOME builds of OSX. On those builds, any game built from Visual Novel Maker on a Windows machine for a Mac machine (which I have to do, since I don't have access to a mac), can apparently cause OSX's security setting to shut down the attempt to run the game. I do not have access to a Mac, so I can't test any of the known solutions to the issue, but I found the largest concentration of fixes that have supposedly worked here: https://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.php?threads/failed-deployment-to-mac-os-x.55209/ It's an older RPG maker forum post, but has several things that may work, the simplest of which is to run it from 'Finder' while holding down the control key. Unfortunately, the two other people who have reported this issue haven't told me yet if any of the solutions worked, so I can't put them in an Update for the post. If you get it to work, please let me know! And if you DON'T get it to work, also please let me know, so I can continue trying to find a solution for you and anyone else that has the issue!