Just a quick note (Patreon)
Yes, Chastity Quest was supposed to release publicly last night. No, it didn't. Why? Because Patreon were jerks and went down for maintenance right as I went to post the release notes/links -_-. Seriously poor timing. Given that there is going to be another maintenance cycle tonight as well, I made the judgement call to hold off on the Public Release until tomorrow. The last thing I want is for people to be excited about a new game I post about on reddit/tfgames/everywhere, only to be unable to download it. That's a good way to shoot myself in the foot as far as generating interest in it goes. Probably better to release it on the weekend anyway, I suppose.
Oh! I can also report that I have, in fact, finished (aside from some minor polishing) the Racial Path - Int True Ending for DoL. I'll be moving on to the Default True Ending for that path today.
There is an Active All Patrons poll currently running regarding the possible follow-ups for The Dungeon of Lewdity, when it finishes in the not-so-distant future. About a third of you have responded thus far, which is way better than most polls! Thanks guys and gals! It is still ongoing, though, so make sure to vote if you haven't yet!
The March Story Reward Poll for the month is also up for $5+ patrons, and includes a new story option!